JW’s: “They Won’t Like It!”

A very gracious and humble man from Hope Chapel approached me yesterday and expressed his concern about our team of evangelists going to the JW convention. “If someone came to our church,” he said, “we wouldn’t like it if they passed out literature contrary to our teachings…” I agreed and reminded him that people have


This comment was submitted to me by W.C. This is a neighbor’s response to W.C.’s repeated invitations to visit his church. As you will read, people aren’t always gracious.

I find it rather insulting that for years now you have questioned and doubted my faith in God simply because of your inability to talk me into going to your church. I have really restrained myself from telling you to back off, but you just don’t get it. I have a deep spiritual relation ship with the almighty, I do not have one, however with organized religion such as you subscribe to. I am a student of history and as such I am well aware of organized religion and the wars and death that has occurred over the centuries all in the name of God, Jesus, Allah and whatever. Countless millions slaughtered in holy wars, the numbers are quite staggering. I worship God in my own way, without a support group of fellow parishioners, not that I think there is anything wrong with that. Some people need it to keep themselves in line. I am one of those people.So I guess what I am trying to say is that I do not wish to ever attend your church, and please stop asking. I understand the fact that you are a salesman. This is one sale that you will never make.

Here is W.C.’s response. Do you think it was appropiate?

Da Vinci and Da Devil Pt.2

A friend of mine, Doug Levy, a youth pastor at Coast Christian Fellowship, reminded me of a very effective strategy to lessen the Da Vinci Code’s profits: “There is also a great idea going around that people go to see “Over the Hedge” this weekend so as to not only “not see” Da Vinci, but