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Comments (10)

  1. Ken Brehmer


    Hope all is well with you and am excited to see how your ministry will continue to grow by the Grace of God!

  2. Tracy Gaitan


    Hi Steve,
    Gabe and I have connected to your blog now, we look forward to hearing from you with your updates May God bless your family and your ministry in this new adventure. We LOVE Austin, so we’ll have to try to visit one day. tg

  3. Reply

    I joined the Bezeugen tract ministry early this year. Since, I have had people ask me for those nifty tracts. I am happy to share. Wal Mart allows no soliciting, so I abide by the rules. But I also take tracts with me and as I shop, I do not approach people, rather I leave a tract on a shelf here, there, drop on on the floor and stuff tracts under water cartons, and places where I stop to look. More recently a family in china where faith and religion are forbidden I was asked for some tracts. So not only are the Bezeugen tracts reaching people, I plant tracts world wide. May God receive the glory, I am but the feet and hands of Jesus with the tracts I give, I mentor 3 offenders all serving time for 26 years, and they beg for tracts which I send. God bless Bezeugen. I have given over 500 tracts since joining in January. Blessings. Chaplain in Oklahoma

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