Reschedule: End of the World. Saturday!

Though a false teacher has predicted the end of the world for this Saturday, which of course, has been predicted by many heretics throughout the ages since Jesus left this earth 2000 years ago, there will indeed come a time when this present life will end, when everyone will be held accountable before a Holy God. This will happen after death.

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.” (2 Corinthians 5:10)

This is why I encourage all Christians to preach the Gospel—while there’s still time!

Jesus is coming back again though, all Christians agree with that; where we may disagree is the timing of this event: Is it before the Great Tribulation, or after? No matter where you stand on the issue pre-tribbers and post-tribbers may get a kick out of this episode from a show called “Punk’n the Fundie.” (I’m pan-trib by the way. It will all pan out in the end.)

Read this great article by Dr. Albert Mohler:

Harold Camping is now warning the world that the Day of Judgment will begin at about 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 21, 2011. The 89-year-old founder of Family Radio has made such pronouncements before, most recently in 1994. He now says that he simply miscalculated then, but he is absolutely certain that he has the right calculation now. You have been warned.

Fun with Evolution: Elephant Man?

In a recent article called “Darwinism’s Rubber Ruler,” from the Institute for Creation Research, they demonstrate the very flexible nature of evolutionary theory. Read the quote below and ask yourself: If the rare episode of “backward evolution” is true, could an elephant be my forefather? Indeed, it’s thought that even human evolution may have gone