Town Theatened W/Lawsuit Over Nativity

An attorney with the Alliance Defense Fund says a small Georgia town is being targeted by a liberal group that is trying to intimidate city officials into removing a nativity scene. Representatives of Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) are offering to defend officials in Dallas, Georgia, against a threatened lawsuit from Americans United for Separation of

Merry Christmas or Whatever

This is a re-post of an article I wrote a couple of years ago… What attitude do you think would be demonstrated at a New Age-liberal, all-natural-cotton-pants-wearing organic food store toward Christmas? Uh, just what you’d expect… Kerry wore his Whole Foods name badge proudly; perhaps that is why he had a picture of a lion

The Muslim and Me at the DMV

By “Righteous Richard” Chavarria I had an interesting conversation with a Muslim man after preaching at the Hawthorne Department of Motor Vehicles; he wanted to ask me some questions about my faith. He said that he didn’t believe the Bible was accurate because in Europe the Bible has 72 books. Also, he explained, the preface of the King James Bible has errors in