A Fair to Remember

This Saturday, the evangelism team will be going to the Richmond Street Fair in El Segundo to witness to all those who didn’t make it to the Fiesta Hermosa. Next week: The 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica and after that, USC Football at the L.A. Coliseum. For all the details, including times and where

GodTube Evangelism

Last week I explained the importance of posting evangelistic videos to YouTube, but there’s another unique opportunity: GodTube. Why? It’s a great way to show the non-evangelizing Christian how to witness, it convicts the backsliders, fakers, and religious hypocrites; and these videos encourage those who are faithful to Jesus’ command to “Go!” I was surprised

Persecution By Percentages

(This is the conclusion of my 7-part Fiesta Hermosa perspectives series. Click here to start the series.) Five angry emails, two mean voice mails, and a nasty postcard were all I received from people offended at our open air preaching and Gospel tract distribution during the Labor Day weekend pagan celebration called Fiesta Hermosa. One

Sudden Deaths: Weekend in Canada

Paul Latour lives in Canada and is a frequent commentator to this blog. In response to our Labor Day evangelism event at the Fiesta Hermosa (read all 6 parts so far, starting here), he put into very practical terms the urgency that is needed—using whatever means possible—in getting the Word out. Here are his comments: