Evangelistic Tipping or Giving Gospel Gratuities

UTI received an email from a University of Texas student who complained about finding a Teddy Trillion Dollar Bill Gospel tract on the ground. Here’s what he wrote:

Subject: Fake Trillion Dollar Bills

Hello! I’m a student at UT Austin, and I was walking around the library when I saw a dollar bill on the ground with Teddy Roosevelt’s face on it (obviously fake, because he’s never been on a bill). Curious, I picked up the bill and saw it was a Trillion Dollar Bill (wahoo, I’m a trillionaire!), with a statement on the back about the trillion dollar question being “Will you go to heaven when you die?”.

If I had not seen a similar thing before this would have just seemed like an odd outreach program by the church to get people’s attention, but sadly I’ve seen bills like these be put in tip jars, used as a tip for waiters, and given to homeless people in lieu of valid tender.
Seeing this, I have to ask, what is the reasoning behind using these bills? It’s definitely not going to get any converts.


A waiter/waitress whose just spent 30 minute waiting on a table that didn’t even pay for the service definitely isn’t going to appreciate what would seem like a snide comment from a holier-than-thou person.

Austin Pride Parade Evangelistic Outreach & Training, August 27

If you live near Austin, Texas, or reside in the lesser 49, we want to invite you to our first Austin Pride Outreach and Training on August 27.


There will be a two hour training before the parade at 4:00PM here:

Austin Baptist Association
3811 Harmon Ave, Austin, TX 78751

We will drive/carpool to the parade immediately afterward. It is vital that we get to the parade at least 90 minutes ahead of time to get tracts into the hands of parade-goers before it starts.

For a helpful list of resources in dealing with the gay community, I have blogged over 40 articles/videos that will help educate you on how to be a sensitive communicator. Click here to access them.

We are not going there to condemn, judge, or shake fingers in people’s faces. Our purpose is to communicate the love of Jesus Christ without compromising the message, but, doing so in a tactful and forthright manner.

The best tract to use

When I Met Muhammad Ali

I MET MUHAMMAD ALI LONG AGO in a little restaurant on La Cienega Blvd. in Los Angeles. I walked up to him and said, “Hi Champ!”

old aliHe was very slow, muddled, and slurred his speech. Obviously, all the years of fighting in the ring had taken its toll. He weakly stuck out his hand for me to shake. I remember it being very limp. He then shuffled away.

That was it.

I’m not sure if I was a Christian back then, but, if I was, I do remember this: I did NOT tell him about Jesus Christ. Ali died as an outspoken Muslim.

Like Father, Like Son

Last time, I shared about Jerry, a man who was given a few weeks to live while he was in hospice care at a Veteran’s hospital. I shared the good news that Jesus Christ saves sinners; he believed, repented, was baptized on the spot in his room…then five days later, he went directly into the arms of his Savior. (Read about it here.)

Did I fail to mention that Jerry’s son witnessed the whole thing?