How to Handle President Biden

PRESIDENT BIDEN WAS SWORN IN TODAY. Half of Americans are rejoicing, the other half are worrying about what the future holds for America.

Regardless of how you voted or whether you are happy or sad, laughing or mad, there’s something you can do that can and will change the course of this country, influence the governance of our new President and grant you a semblance of peace no matter your political persuasion.


One Issue Caused Me to Vote the Way I Did

A WOMAN ASKED ME IF I, AS A PASTOR, GOT INVOLVED IN POLITICS because the pastor at her church refused to talk about political issues and discouraged congregants from doing the same. I assured her that I thought it was a Christian’s mandate to involve themselves in the issues of the day, one in particular,

I Went to Beto O’Rourke’s Socialist-Democrat Rally!

YES, I ACTUALLY WENT TO A BETO O’ ROURKE RALLY! If you aren’t a Texan, then you need to know that Beto (pronounced Beato in the Hill Country), is Conservative Ted Cruz’s liberal arch-rival. But, wait! Before you pick up stones, let me explain. My daughter wanted to go. Since we had not seen each other for a while and she was down from college with a freshly pierced proboscis, nose ring and new-fangled University politics, I accompanied her.

It was a sacrificial act of love.

She wanted some assurances that I wouldn’t argue, roll my eyes or preach.


I had a far more inventive plan to try out….Heh, heh, heh….

In case you didn’t notice there’s a war going on in the America. 

Unfriended By Politics


Admittedly, during the height of election fever I got carried away, posting clever memes that made fun of the candidate I wanted to lose. (Enjoy the samples on this post.)

After the election I got particularly bugged by those misguided college babies protesting the election results and posted quite a bit of hilarity.

No, I wasn’t at my Christian best and wasn’t too pastoral either. Though nothing was too off-base and certainly not vulgar or obscene, I could have done better.

The devil made me do it?