Stone The Preacher was 4-Years Old…Yesterday!

How in the world could I forget this significant holiday?

On March 29, 2006, I made public a blog about Biblical evangelism; it was called “E-vangie Tales and More.”

When I first started sharing my faith on a daily basis back on January 1, 2004, I realized that people’s reactions were interesting, funny, sometimes shockingly rude, and on occasion, threatening. I wrote about these experiences using humor and a fair amount of irony (with a dash of sarcasm), and sent them weekly, via email, to various members of my church congregation to encourage them to evangelize.

My Great Evangelism Adventure, Pt. 4: Meeting Ray Comfort

Another part in a continuing series on how I discovered my “gift” of evangelism, met Ray Comfort, and had my boring Christian life changed forever. (You can start at part 1 by clicking here.)

I had been sharing my faith for over a year without much success. My daily evangelistic goal seemed fruitless; my witnessing method weak. My Pastor had asked me two questions: “Are you having any conversations? Is anyone getting saved?” Both were answered with a resounding “No!” Then he offered a suggestion: “You may want to get a hold of a man named Ray Comfort. I think he preaches up in Santa Monica each week.”

Who’s Ray Comfort? I mused. How can he help? I promptly wrote his name in my planner with the intention to call him immediately, but forgot about it.

For six months.

I plodded on with my daily goal, continued to write my E-vangie Tales, and considered teaching some sort of evangelism class. I was very zealous for the Lord’s cause, but extremely frustrated that no one would listen to me, at least to the point of making a decision for Christ. Didn’t they know that I had the words of eternal life? Didn’t anyone care? Was no one concerned that they may end up in a fiery Hell for eternity?

Then our church web design guy dropped a name.

Things Change


That was the extent of my theological training. I now know better.

Things change.

20 years ago I would never have made the video below called “The Blasphemy Challenge 666.”

Things change.

19 years ago, on December 2, 1990, everything changed….

I used to sell stereo equipment out of the back of my car in the desert. One night while searching for witches’ covens in an open field at midnight, I challenged Satan to show himself.

He did.

I was also robbed at shotgun point by drug dealers (as a meth addict I didn’t have much discernment in friends).

I knocked on the apartment doors of strangers looking for a wife; I found a lost key and tried opening locks with it. The television spoke directly to me. Then I got a very clear vision that I was headed for Hell if I didn’t die….

Things change.