Memorial Day Tracts for Your Church

We made 5,000 of these special tracts for our Memorial Weekend evangelistic endeavor; perhaps you will want to print a few thousand yourself and stamp your church’s name in it. Click here to download and print them.



This is what they say:

ON THIS MEMORIAL DAY, you may know someone who has died in the service of our country. Many lives have been lost to secure the freedoms we currently enjoy as Americans. This holiday weekend, as you have barbeques with friends and family, as you relax and rest on this long weekend, please remember the price someone paid for you to live free. And, remember also that life is short.

Canadian Faithfulness

I just read this on Facebook from my frozen friend in Canada, Paul Latour, of The Word Street Journal: Heading out to hand out tracts with a few others at the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade here in Ottawa. Please pray for us as the present temperature with the windchill is -19 Celsius or -2.2F.