Quotes of the Week

“It’s gonna take a lot more than God to change the kids at this school.” —A dean at an inner city High School, responding to the fact that we are out evangelizing to the kids every Tuesday afternoon. (Read the article about this campus here.) “We’re doomed!” —Two young women crossing the boulevard at the 3rd

Quotes of the Week

“Tchi, tchi, tchi… tchi, tchi, tchi… tchi, tchi, tchi.” —The disapproving objection (sounds like “Shh, shh, shh…”) a Muslim woman made as she shook her finger at me. I told her that belief in Jesus was the only way to get to Heaven. “You’ve got a point!” —The conclusion of the Morman missionary who unwittingly

Quotes of the Week

“Go to H—!” —A student wishing us well as we handed out Gospel tracts in front of rich and Caucasian Mira Costa High School in Manhattan Beach. “I know where you are going with that. Don’t! Don’t [do that] with me!” —The Security guard in front of Gymboree, warning me through steely Clint Eastwood eyes,