Quotes of the Week

“Does it work?” —A lady at the Farmer’s Market who just received a Giant Money $100 bill Gospel tract. I replied, “Yes! If you read the back and believe.” “Ohhhhh… noooo thank you. I’ve seen one of those.” —A thoroughly disgusted woman refusing to take the Giant Money $100 Gospel tract from me.

Quotes of the Week

“I’m calling the police… and I’m going to press charges.” —An older gentleman in a pink shirt who was angrily protesting—and trying to interrupt—my preaching to the line at Pink’s World Famous Hot Dogs in Hollywood last Sunday. The cops never came and my daughter burst into tears. “You’re brainwashed.” —The young man reading his

Quotes of the Week

“Because I have a bad mouth, I like fighting, and I steal.” —Siond Tuli, a very large college student of island descent on why he thinks that he would go to Hell instead of Heaven. “#?@&%!! Why don’t you shut up! #?@&%!! You blankin’ #?@&%!!” —The very manly, angry, linebackerish woman standing in line and