Our New “Gay Equality” Tract

NOTE: THIS TRACT IS LONGER AVAILABLE, but feel free to use the idea!!!

We are going to another “Pride” parade this Sunday and wanted to be prepared.

We came up with a tract that will be a sure-fire hit among the gay community. And best of all, you can download it for free, eight to a page, below. I wanted to play off the whole “equality and gay marriage” theme, and this tract, I believe, strikes the right balance.

For the front side of the tract, click here.
For the back side of the tract, click here.

Note: Before you print off your own, you can leave our church website on it, or you can use “White-Out” and stamp your own before you print them.

Here’s the message on the back:

Equality is a big issue with people—and it should be! Our own Declaration of Independence says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” The late great Martin Luther King Jr. said in 1963 that “Equality means dignity.” We the people, in God’s eyes, are all equal before Him as well, and we will all be held accountable for our actions while here on earth, equally. Where will you go when you die? Will it be Heaven or Hell?