MLK Jr. Parades, Pt. 1: Tijuana Dogs and Krishnas
It was quite the thrill to be a witness for Christ at two Martin Luther King Jr. Parades over the weekend. Wearing my new “event-appropriate” T-shirt, I gained instant credibility at the Los Angeles parade because I was one of the very few Caucasian faces in the area. (Read about how to dress correctly here.)
MLK Jr. Parades, Pt. 2: Changing Hearts and Minds
To some, a parade dedicated to the memory of Martin Luther King Jr. is an opportunity to take a political stance; to others, a social stance, without regard to the eternal truths of the Bible in regard to sin, righteousness and the judgment to come.
Some may read of their culpability to a Holy God by a simple tract, or hear from the lips of a Gospel preacher how they have transgressed His law, how they need to turn from their sins, and trust in the Savior. Then, who knows? there could be a greater purpose for them than simply socio-political issues.
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