Dunkirk and the Missed Miracle

I recently saw the excellent film Dunkirk yet was saddened when I learned the filmmakers got everything right except for the true hero of the story.

It wasn’t necessarily the selfless citizens who risked lives in their personal boats to bring back the hundreds of thousands of troops stranded on the beach as the Germans advanced; it wasn’t even the brilliance of the commanders who strategized the rescue; it was something, someone, bigger than all that.

According to “Anglican Ink” author, John Willans: When Britain was close to defeat during the 2nd World War, and the entire British Army was trapped at Dunkirk, in desperation King George the 6th called for a National Day of Prayer to be held on 26th May 1940. In a national broadcast he instructed the people of the UK to turn back to God in a spirit of repentance and plead for Divine help. Millions of people across the British Isles flocked into churches praying for deliverance.

Two events immediately followed:

Hurricane Harvey: Chick-Fil-A to the Rescue

THIS AMAZING PHOTO WAS TAKEN BY A MAN WHO CALLED CHICK-FIL-A WITH THIS ORDER: “Two grilled chicken burritos with extra egg—and a boat.”

How did this come about? I was hoping to find out the back story, and I did.

In an interview with the morning show, Good Morning America, J. C. Spencer explained what happened to him and his wife during the flood and how America’s favorite chicken restaurant got involved: “Monday morning we realized we had to evacuate; we had to get out of there. And, so, I called Chick-Fil-A—now, that sounds kind of funny—but I ordered two grilled chicken burritos with extra egg—and a boat. And can you believe the manager, one of the managers of Chick-Fil-A? She sent her husband to pick us up, and we are so grateful and so thankful.

“That is incredible,” GMA host Amy Robach exclaimed, “…I know you loaded your possessions onto the boat, and there wasn’t a lot of room for you and [your wife] Karen to get in; so, all of a sudden, some Jet Skis showed up.”

“So Karen jumped on the back of the Jet Ski and I jumped on the back of another one and they evacuated us to higher ground and we are ever so grateful.”

In addition to their extremely polite and friendly service, apparently Chick-Fil-A is also in the rescuing business. Perhaps this is on the “Secret Menu”?

The Teddy Trillion Six Year Anniversary!

THIS WAS ORIGINALLY POSTED on August 25, 2011, so I edited it a little to bring it up to date.

It’s been six years since we introduced these original tracts. (Read to the end for a special free offer.)

No other church has these; you can only get ’em at Hope Chapel, Hermosa Beach, CA. (and at Community Church of the Hills): The new Teddy Trillion Gospel tract!

That’s right. Theodore Roosevelt, our 26th President (1901–1909), is the latest famous figure to grace the front side of these wildly popular money tracts. Of course, he’s famous for saying, “Speak softly, and carry a big…TRACT!!!

We ran out of our Million Dollar Bill Gospel tracts (we ordered 2 1/2 million). So, with permission from Living Waters Ministries, and with the skills of our church’s talented graphic artist, Mike Faye (adapting Dale Jackson’s work), we came up with this new one and ordered 2,026,000 of these.

Now here’s the special offer:

The Horrible Incident at Stripes

SOMETHING HORRIBLE happened at our local Stripes convenience store: I gave the Gospel to three teens.

One of the teens went home and told his mom that I said he was going to Hell. This is something I rarely say, and I didn’t say to these teens. 99.9% of the time I ask this question: “If you died today, would you go to Heaven or Hell?”

Here is a similar conversation I had with a gaggle of giggling girls a few years back:

Well, the mom got mad and posted my name on Facebook saying that I told her son that he was going to Hell,  among other untrue things. Locals in our small town read the post and made all sorts of false accusations against me. Here’s a sample:

“He told me the same thing, too.”

“He doesn’t like gays.”

“He hangs out at the high school three or four times a week and evangelizes.”

“He scolded me for wearing my cheerleader outfit, saying that men will lust after me.”