A Note from the Author

I’ve been writing on this blog since 2006…. Click here.

My name is Steve Sanchez and I was an associate pastor at Hope Chapel, Hermosa Beach, California for over fifteen years where I served as Pastor of Evangelism, Singles, Pro-Life Ministry and Baptisms. I also oversaw half of our church’s 100+ small groups, raising up leaders, and instructing them on how to best care for our congregation.

After living a drug addict’s life and nearly losing everyone I loved and everything I owned, I  found Christ at Hope Chapel in December 1990. Or, more accurately, he found me, and saved me. Watch my testimony here. Read my story here.

I have studied with Pacific International University and Hope Chapel Ministries Institute as well as The School of Biblical Evangelism. I served as a team leader for the Way of the Master’s Ambassadors’ Academy between 2008-2011, training students from around the world on how to share their faith on the streets.

On June 14, 2013 I got the call to move from Southern California, (where I had lived for over 50 years), to Dripping Springs, Texas, to plant a church. (Read that story here.)

After a year and a half, the church didn’t pan out and I thought God was calling me out of vocational ministry. But no. He opened up a door of opportunity in Johnson City at Community Church of the Hills through an amazing coincidence. (Read about that here.)

My heart is to see people turn to God by faith and repentance by understanding the good news of Jesus Christ, to grow up in Him, and learn to share Him with others. (I made a commitment to share the gospel daily on January 1, 2004. Read about it here.)

Community Church of the Hills is a fellowship committed to teaching biblical truth through expository preaching in a way that is practical and understandable to today’s culture.

Our church services are on Sunday, 10:30AM and Wednesdays @ 6:30PM at 212 Klett Ranch Rd., Johnson City, TX. 78636 

If you’d like to know what version of the Bible we use and why, click here.

WORLD Magazine interviewed me about my philosophy of evangelism and published the article in the November 30, 2013 edition. You can read the article online.

If you are searching for evangelism articles, they are all pre-June 2013.


With a change of servers, I’m in the process of fixing over 2,000 broken links. If you find a broken link, here’s how you can fix it.

Example of a broken link: https://stonethepreacher.com/2009/06/16/gay-pride-parade-pt-2-pride-and-prejudice.html

To fix the link, simply take out the areas in red then URL will look like this: https://stonethepreacher.com/gay-pride-parade-pt-2-pride-and-prejudice

And it will work! Thanks!

Comments (4)

  1. Mike Sylvan


    Have you ever heard of ecause separation of church and state? Obviously not, because you constantly remind your audience of what a “fantastic” guy that you are because you’re a “Christian” and “always keep one hand on the Bible.” That is pretty damn pathetic, in my humble opinion.

  2. Reply

    Hello Pastor Steve it’s me JeffMellinger I used to attend Hope Chapel in the early 2000’s when Pastor Zac was the head Pastor. I’ve just recently found God and Jesus in my life again and I would love nothing more than to talk with you again soon. My number is 310 465 4522 there is so much I need to talk with you about please Pastor Steve I’ve been going through some rough personal issues again and I need to talk with someone and I vividly remember talking with you at Hope I’ll be honest sometimes your fire for the Lord scared me badly because I never understood your soul but now I know about everything but I need guess and help before I hit the streets doing the Lord’s work and God’s will. Please call me when you get a chance and thank you Pastor Steve for being on fire for God.

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