The Stupid Family

I’m teaching my daughters to get used to feeling stupid. During a recent visit to the Griffith Observatory we engaged in a game called “Find the lie.” As we experienced the many wonderful displays revealing God’s creation in the cosmos we also read some of the theories that pass for “science.” “Girls,” I said excitedly,

April Evangelism Schedule

Some exciting stuff is happening in April. And see our new monthly Starbucks incursions!

Saturday, April 6: Redondo Beach Pier. Meet at noon at Hope Chapel, return by 3:30

13: The Starbucks Express(o): This is new. Read this article from my blog and you will know why I created this event. We will use a map of all the local Starbucks in our local area so that we may “hit and run” with tracts and/or conversations. Meet at noon at Hope Chapel, return by 3:30