Eternity of Ruin

Here’s a comment posted by Jessica Smith on the post below, “Day of Ruin”, about the proper perspective we need to have when reaching out to the lost: This is an issue I stuggle with most when evangelizing strangers: ruining their day. Last week I approached two men working on an old car, laughing and

FOUNDations: John Wesley

John Wesley told his evangelist trainees that when they preached, people should either get angry or get converted. No doubt, he wasn’t speaking about the “Jesus loves you” gospel, but about sin, Law, righteousness, judgment, and hell. -as cited by Ray Comfort in “How to do open-air preaching.” John Wesley is the founder of the

mini-vangie: Day of Ruin

We set-up our covert evangelism booth at the Redondo Summer Fair right next to the Democratic National Party booth. I cautioned my volunteers to not get into any political arguments, but to be gentle and respectful. Right across from us was a New-Age booth, and next to them a liberal United Methodist booth. It was