mini-vangie: Clipped!

The manager of the hairstyling school called me into her office yesterday and said, “Have a seat,” in a not-too-friendly way. I knew why I was there. Last time I got my haircut I shared my faith with about ten tattooed, studded and pierced, rocker-retro-punk stylists. And boy, did they complain. My friend who is

EV Tips: Pitbull Versus Poodle

In a response to E-vangie Tales #77 (24 Hour Witness, see below), someone wrote: “Seriously Steve, you actually let evil man get away just like that? That doesn’t sound like you…. what about plan#2? (for people like that) I’m not judging you, believe me, I have “walk outs” all the time, it just doesn’t seem

Million $ Moments: Hot Dog!

(Photos are temporarily down from the host, but they’ll be up soon.) This is Kiera, a worker at Der Weinerscnitzel. I asked her if she had ever lied. She said, “No.” Stolen anything?” “No.” Looked with lust at someone?” “No.” Ever hated anyone or called them a name?” “No.” This was ridiculous, but I continued—she