“DPS TROOPERS DIRECT REV. STEVE SANCHEZ OF JOHNSON CITY to step away from abortion rights demonstrators during the Texas Rally for Life at the Capitol on Saturday January 27, 2018.” That was the caption of this photo taken by Jay Janner of the Austin American-Statesmen.

You may be wondering what I did. Just exercising my First Amendment Right to Free Speech.

It was the end of the march and the crowd of 5,000 pro-lifers had come to the Capitol to hear Governor Greg Abbott and other anti-abortion advocates speak on behalf of the pre-born. Instead, I wanted to engage the fifty or so people who had a different opinion regarding the “Life” issue, specifically, the ten “handmaids” who stood speechless in their white bonnets and deep-red robes at the entrance of the Capitol gates. The handmaids are a class of women from Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel, The Handmaid’s Tale, who are kept for reproductive purposes by the ruling class. They were the only silent protesters.

I wasn’t there to argue, but to bring a very different message, one that had nothing to do with abortion. I was shouted down by a young lady with a bullhorn and an angry attitude. I couldn’t get a word in edge-wise because of her cursing at me. Still, I persisted. I stood in-between two troopers, a small gap in the wall of deputies that surrounded the loud obscenity-shouting “Choicers,” apparently, for their protection. 

Handing Out the “180” Movie (and how I beat Ray Comfort)

Six years ago, Facebook reminded me, Eddie Roman, editor and cameraman from Living Waters (Ray Comfort’s ministry), made this excellent video on how to hand out the powerful 30 minute  documentary “180Movie” and what to say when you do it. He handed out 10 copies in just under nine minutes with very little effort.


I thought I could do it in even less time.

First, watch Eddie’s video then watch mine to see how I smoked him by a whopping EIGHT minutes. Then, Ray Comfort got in on the action. And he beat my record! (See his video below.)

Now, watch my video to demonstrate the record-shattering evidence: 1:13:33 minutes!

The Worst Day in America

THE WORST DAY IN AMERICA OCCURRED 44 YEARS AGO TODAY, when the government granted women the “right” to slaughter their children.

Is that too harsh an assessment? Of course not. The image above was from when my family would regularly attend a Long Beach abortion clinic to remind adult women of the baby women (and men) in their womb.

A few paid attention.

ACTOR JACK NICHOLSON said, “I’m very [opposite] my constituency in terms of abortion because I’m positively against it. I don’t have the right to any other view,” Nicholson told the National Review in 2003. “My only emotion is gratitude, literally, for my life.” His mother chose life for him when she was a pregnant teenager.

Russell Moore wrote this, concerning the memorial that was held last Sunday: “I hate Sanctity of Human Life Sunday because I’m reminded that we have to say things to one another that human beings shouldn’t have to say. Mothers shouldn’t kill their children. Fathers shouldn’t abandon their babies. No human life is worthless, regardless of skin color, age, disability, economic status. The very fact that these things must be proclaimed is a reminder of the horrors of this present darkness”

To refresh your memory, the case that changed abortion law in America was when Norma McCorvey, (a.k.a. Jane Roe), sued the state of Texas and won the right to obtain an abortion. Close to 60 million babies have been aborted since then. In all the American wars less than 1.5 million people have died, yet this is close to how many babies are killed each year!

Do humans have a right to kill an unborn baby?