The Everyday Club 2013

On January 1, 2004, I made a commitment to share my faith every day. (Read about that here.) Making this commitment has taught me to be a more gracious Christian in the face of opposition, a more faithful evangelist in the presence of the unsaved, and a more thankful disciple of Christ. Thankful because I once was lost but now am found.

What is The Everyday Club?

This is an evangelistic Club where you make a goal to share your faith everyday through tracts, personal witnessing or open air preaching. You make your own personal goal and report on it at the monthly Everyday Club post I write on the first of each month. The minimum goal would be to hand out one tract a day, but you can make whatever goal you want.

The Club’s purpose is to allow you an opportunity to set an evangelistic goal and monitor your progress and faithfulness to that goal. This is not a legalistic prescription or a vow; it’s simply a personal goal. Sometimes you will fall short, other times you’ll hit it.