Useless for God?


Moses had anger issues, stuttered, and murdered a man, yet he was God’s chosen vessel to deliver his people from their enemies.

Also, remember that Noah was a drunk…

Abraham was too old…

Jacob was a liar…

Leah was ugly…

Joseph was abused…

Gideon was fearful…

Samson was a backsliding womanizer…

Rahab was a prostitute…

Jeremiah was too young…

David was an adulterer, a murderer, and a negligent father…

Solomon forgot God…

Elijah was depressed and suicidal…

Jonah was a bigot and ran from God…

Naomi was a widow…

Job lost everything…

Matthew worked for the I.R.S….

Peter denied Christ…

The disciples were clueless, argumentative, prideful, had little faith, and failed Jesus at his darkest hour…

Martha had her priorities all wrong…

The Samaritan woman had lived with five men out of wedlock…

Zacchaeus was a cheat…

Paul was a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man…


The Snake Bite Bible Translation


Coots and his followers at “Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus’ Name” in Kentucky, believe that God calls them to handle venomous serpents and to drink other poisons.
Even if they are bitten, they will refuse medical treatment because they believe that their fate is in God’s hands.

Proverbs 4:1—“Listen, my sons, to a father’s instruction; pay attention and gain understanding.”

Despite his father’s death, Cody Coots said he doesn’t believe snake handling is dangerous. “It’s the word of God,” he said. “We’ve always said it’s a good way to live by and a good way to die by.”

Proverbs 1:2—“I give you sound learning, so do not forsake my teaching.”

Charles Spurgeon said, “If you sincerely drink poison, it will kill you: if you sincerely cut your throat, you will die. If you sincerely believe a lie, you will suffer the consequences. You must not only be sincere, but you must be right.”

The Manger and the Cross

I saw a wonderful depiction of baby Jesus by the German artist Beate Heinen years ago, and it is the best depiction of the Christmas story I’ve ever seen. The painting is called “The Manger and the Cross.”

The newborn Christ-child is in a feeding trough that looks like a coffin. Outside is a path that starts with budding trees and green grass, but at the end, the trees are barren, the ground brown and dead. At the foot of three crosses, the land is gray and colorless, a place of death. It’s Golgotha, and this is the path Jesus trod, this was the purpose of his life.

The cradle must include the cross because the cross sheds light upon the cradle. It started in Bethlehem and ended in Calvary. Christmas is really the beginning of Easter. Compare and contrast these two holy days:

When the Christ child was born at Christmas, the wisemen asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?” Now His royal title, “King of the Jews,” is affixed to the cross for all to see. In the manger, Christ was weak, frail and dependent—like any baby. On the cross, he’s weak and frail, yet resigned to do his Father’s will—as our Savior. At His birth, something strange happened in the heavens: A star in the night sky. When he was crucified, there was darkness at noon.

Among the first to come to Him at His birth were the Gentile Magi, drawn by the light of the star. The first to respond to the cross was the Gentile centurion, awakened by the shaking of the earth. From the cradle, Jesus was taken away to Egypt, but then returns. In the crucifixion, Jesus dies, seemingly taken from this earth, but is brought back to life, through the resurrection.

At his birth, Joseph and Mary were present. At his death Joseph and Mary were also present, though different people. After his birth, Jesus was laid in a stone-cold trough. After the crucifixion, Jesus was laid in a stone-cold tomb. At Jesus’ birth, Mary wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger. After Jesus’ death, Joseph wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a tomb.