Calloused-Hearted Me


This is perfect timing too, because it falls on what would have been the 50th anniversary of that disastrous Supreme Court decision which legalized nationally the tearing to pieces of babies in the womb.

I never know what Scriptures will speak to me in my daily reading, but this account of Joseph shows the grief of a loving father who cares for his child.

In this case, Jacob, who thought his son was dead due to the callousness of brothers with hardened hearts who were only thinking of themselves and not about the preciousness of life.

Nearly 64 million beautiful humans have perished at the hands of those who only think of themselves—nearly the size of France.

I contributed to three of those deaths before I was a Christian and still grieve over who I lost and wonder how their lives would have turned out if I loved them like Jacob.

I thank God for a gracious Heavenly Father who has forgiven me and has granted me life and breath and everything I have.

“I hate Sanctity of Human Life Sunday not because I think it’s inappropriate,” wrote Russell Moore. “Just as every Lord’s Day should be Easter, with the preaching of the Resurrection of Jesus, and Christmas, with the announcement of God becoming man, so we need to constantly affirm the dignity and preciousness of human life.
“The main reason I hate this day is that I’m reminded that we have to say things to one another that human beings should never have to say.

“Mothers shouldn’t kill their children. Fathers shouldn’t abandon their babies. No human life is worthless, regardless of skin color, age, disability, economic status.”

That’s why I’ll continue to advocate for life, preaching about it today at Community Church of the Hills and working to abolish demonic laws that promote death to the least of these.

Will you join me?
*See the touching half hour documentary “I Lived On Parker Avenue”

**Learn more about the Abolition Movement:

*** #JustAnotherDailyDevotional is based on my morning readings in The One Year Bible. If you’d like me to tag or text you them, leave me a Personal Message. (Or check in daily.)

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