The amount of visitors who came to Community Church of the Hills (CCH)‘ Easter service as a result of two weeks of Facebook ads. Same as last year. Heck, I even bought an eBook telling me how to write excellent Facebook ads. However, we did have record attendance for this year thanks to family members
ARE YOU A CEO CHRISTIAN? If so, your big day is this Sunday! C.E.O. = “C.hristmas E.aster O.nly”
It’s time to get promoted. Move up higher. Get committed. Quit fooling around! After all, eternity is at stake….
I was not raised in a religious home so I wasn’t familiar with the traditions surrounding Easter. The church I went to for 23 years after I became born again only celebrated Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. I wondered if there was more to remember during Holy Week, or Passion Week, as it is sometimes called. I wanted to know if perhaps there was a remembrance for every day of the week before Easter. There was. What I learned may cause you to want to know Jesus better, draw closer to him and appreciate his sacrifice much more, maybe even prompting you to take his call on your life a lot more seriously.
PEOPLE THINK HE’S NUTS, AN IDIOT, A RELIGIOUS FANATIC, but 64-year-old Steve Epp doesn’t care because God called him to take up his cross, put some wheels at the base and walk along the southern route from Wilmington, North Carolina, to San Diego, California.
But why would he do such a thing? Isn’t that a little odd given this post-modern, anti-Christian era?
SPRING OFFICIALLY STARTS TOMORROW, BUT, IN TEXAS, it started on the evening of February 2 when Amarillo Al the armadillo walked out onto the highway. On the East Coast they have Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog who saw his shadow on February 2nd, then went back into his hole, forecasting 6 more weeks of winter weather. Texas
A FRIEND OF MINE WAS ARRESTED IN ENGLAND AND FOUND GUILTY for a heinous crime. Was it robbery? Assault? Murder? Nope. None of those. Mike Stockwell got busted, along with his compatriot Michael Overd, for speaking the truth!
I met Mike Stockwell back in 2008 when I was leading a team for The Ambassador’s Academy, an evangelism ministry started by Ray Comfort that teaches normal Christians how to share their faith simply and biblically by handing out Gospel tracts, having personal conversations and by street preaching.
I didn’t know it then, but Stockwell would continue to preach the gospel in streets around the country and the world as a calling and vocation for the next nine years. Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the good news”—and he obeyed!