Are You a Christian C.E.O.?
IF YOU ARE A C.E.O., then your big day is this Sunday!
C.E.O. = “C.hristmas E.aster O.nly”
I was not raised in a religious home so I wasn’t familiar with the traditions surrounding Easter. The church I went to for 23 years after I gave my life to Christ only celebrated Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. I wondered if there were more to remember during Holy Week, or Passion Week, as it is sometimes called. I wanted to know if perhaps there was a remembrance for every day of the week before Easter.
There was.
What I learned may cause you to want to know Jesus better and go to church more than twice a year.
Eddie Roman’s Podcast Interview With…Me?
Eddie Roman is a producing director and editor at Ray Comfort’s ministry Living Waters. His podcast, “Roman’s Road with Eddie Roman” talks about Christian evangelism and apologetics through everyday conversations. He interviewed me at the 2020 Shepherds’ Conference in L.A. from his car office. I spoke about my days as an active evangelist with The
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