Sudden Death: Recipients of California’s New Traffic Fines

Want to avoid Sudden Death by heart attack? Move to a fly-over state or take a bus. Yow! Particularly outrageous fines are in red.

California Traffic Ticket fine increases
(Effective 01/06/2010)
Please read these new and higher fines & penalties.

VC12814.6 $214 Failure to obey license provisions.

VC 14600(A) $214 Failure to notify DMV of address change within 10 days
Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.

VC 16028(A) $796 Failure to provide evidence of financial responsibility (insurance) Note: This fine may be reduced with proof of insurance on or after the violation date.

VC 21453(A) $436 Failure to stop at a red signal.

The Everyday Club Report for August: The Dental Floss Dilemma

How are you doing on your monthly commitment? Fill in your report in the comments section below. Want to join? Scroll to the bottom of the article.


I almost didn’t fulfill my commitment the other night, but God used dental floss to make me do it.

I was ready for bed one late Sunday evening after a movie night at home with my family when suddenly I realized that I had not handed out a single tract all day. My goal is to hand out ten Gospel tracts a day or personally witness to at least one person, but I was just two darned tired and didn’t want to do it. I resigned myself to failure that evening until I realized that my daughter had used up all the dental floss. Well, not all of it; she left about a six inch piece that I wrapped around my chubby fingers and used quite gingerly to pry out stray popcorn kernel pieces out of my teeth.

I was doing quite well, too, until the last molar—that’s when the floss snapped, lodging between my number 17 and 18 molars.!

Destinations in September/Fiesta Hermosa!

This Labor Day weekend we will be at the Fiesta Hermosa, a three day street fair where an estimated 100,000 people will attend. We will have an evangelism booth at the base of the Hermosa Beach Pier, the only Christian presence at the fair.

Of course, our booth doesn’t shout out that we are about Christ; no, it is an Intelligence Test  booth where hundreds of people line up to fill out questionnaires (click here to get your free I.Q. Test tract), then we share our faith. (See how we do it here.)

We also preach at bus stops. Below, see “Righteous Richard” Chavarria belt it out at a previous fair on Memorial weekend, 2008.

We will be there from 8am-6pm, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Park at the Mira Costa High School parking lot on 1401 Artesia Blvd. (3 blocks east of Pacific Coast Hwy) in Manhattan Beach, and take the shuttle bus down, then walk to our booth at the base of the pier.

To see what we are doing the rest of the month…