Fun w/ Millions: Saving Captain Kirk

This is a fun story from my friend, Shirley Kuzmunich, who is a set nurse on the T.V. show, Boston Legal.

I remember hearing you talk about William Shatner saying that he wondered where he would go when he dies. Now everytime I work with him I am praying for a chance to tell him. I know I have to be careful at work so I am praying for the right time and place to tell him the Good News.
null Soooo, I got a million dollar bill and crumpled it up—it looked so real— and as I walked past his Jaguar it fell out of my pocket and surprise! It landed right on the ground next to the driver’s side door. I said a prayer and left it in God’s hands to get me to the next step. I checked on it later and it was gone. Hopefully he picked it up, and if not somebody else was meant to pick it up.

I’ll keep you informed on the Captain’s progress.

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