DARE YA! Contest: Preacher in the Bleachers

Dodger Stadium provides the perfect opportunity to preach the Gospel. Since most games are looooong and boooooring, fans appreciate a wake up call from the peanut vendor, the organist, or… a preacher!

“If you got hit in the head with a foul ball and died today, would you go to Heaven or Hell? Or be traded to the Cubs?”

“Righteous Richard” accompanied me on this day. The Security guards warned that they would ban him for life from Dodger Stadium if he ever preached to the crowd like that again. He tried to explain that he wasn’t the one preaching. They didn’t believe him. I laughed long and hard.

I Dare ya!

Want to enter the “DARE YA” Contest? Click here for details.

***Read about all the people who died from baseball here.***

***Read “Tract Me Out to the Ballgame” here.***

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