Did you see the debate between the atheists from “The Blasphemy Challenge” and Ray Comfort & Kirk Cameron? Read this report from from The Christian Worldview Network, including the “wardrobe malfunction” that happened offscreen:
“The ill-conceived notions of the debating Atheists made for a confusing and downright silly set of arguments. The platform for the debate had seemed simple enough but it proved to be too much for Brian Sapient and the young woman, who asked to be referred to as simply “Kelly”, due to her stated fear of “reprisals.” Brian and “Kelly” were so weak in their claims; they often resorted to making outrageously false statements. “Kelly” made the laughable comments like claiming all micro-Biologists unanimously agreed evolution is a provable fact, while Brian comically professed there are hundreds of transitional life-forms at the Museum of Natural History there in New York City!” Click here to continue reading!
Sweet Jimmy B