Got Vaxxed 2 Months Ago! Ain’t Dead Yet.

I GOT MY 2ND MODERNA SHOT two months ago and my face hasn’t melted, I haven’t died in my sleep and the start of the zombie apocalypse has been postponed.

I didn’t get vaxxed because I was scared, believed Biden, Fauci or the rest of the mainstream news media.

It wasn’t because I believed it was the greatest health threat of our time.

It wasn’t even because my daughters pressured me to do so. I had a much more important reason for getting “the mark of the beast.”

I always looked askance at the whole contrived media distortion of the virus itself and felt the odds of me dying from it were akin to getting hit by lightning while being eaten by a shark.

I always thought masks were stupid, didn’t work, and felt the whole controversy was a big lie to get the Bad Orange Man out of office.

So why did I get the vaccine since it ain’t really a vaccine anyway? After all, my face might melt, my gonads could explode, and my progeny will end up playing dueling banjoes somewhere in the northwest Georgia wilderness.

Facebook “friends” warned that I would suffer blood clots, heart attack or depletion of my platelets. I’d most likely contract some strange immunological disorder, or have a stroke and die.

Or worse.