“Hey honey! Look! There’s money on that bulletin board!”

“Wait a minute… that’s not real money.”
“It’s those stupid million dollar bills that we see all over the place! I think they say something about Hell.”
“Man. How brave do you have to be to pin one of those on a board?”

“Christians are so chicken!”
“I may as well read it…”
R.A. Torrey (1856-1928) says:
“Oftentimes people who are too proud to be talked with, will read a tract when no one is looking. There is many a man who would repulse you if you tried to speak to him about his soul, who will read a tract if you leave it on his table, or in some other place where he comes upon it accidentally, and that tract may be used for his salvation.”
Who’s R.A. Torrey?
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