DMV is no DMZ, Part 3

Sometimes security guards can actually help us to preach the Gospel! Here is a surprising account from “Downtown” Leon Brown, a friend of mine and Ambassadors’ Academy mentor, who experienced a little kindness from a guard as he preached at a brand new location. Hey! Miracles do happen! Today I had the privilege of preaching

DMV is no DMZ, Part 2

The trials and travails continue as “Righteous Richard” Chavarria faithfully preaches at the Hawthorne DMV. Here’s what happened to him last Wednesday: (You can read Part 1 by clicking here!) Dateline: 07.16.08 Today I handed out Gospel tracts to the folks in line as I walked to my preaching spot. A man ran out of

DMV is no DMZ, Part 1

Dictionary: demilitarized zone (dē-mĭl’ĭ-tə-rīzd’) n. (Abbr. DMZ) An area from which military forces, operations, and installations are prohibited. “Righteous Richard” Chavarria continues to get beat up at the Hawthorne DMV. Maybe it’s his haircut? Here’s his report: Dateline: Monday, 07.14.08: Today I had two hecklers, a male and female in their late fifties. They began

Battleground: DMV, Part 2

(Read part 1 by clicking here!)

It looks like this man wasn’t very happy with my preaching at the Hawthorne Department of Motor Vehicles.

In fact, he looks rather angry.

Of course, I was completely oblivious to his apparently agitated state.

But agitated or not, I still had a job to do. I took all those standing in line at 7:50 in the morning through the 10 Commandments: “The 9th Commandment: ‘You shall not lie.’ Have you ever lied, told a half truth or a bald-faced exaggeration? If so, then you are a liar!” I proclaimed. The 8th Commandment: ‘You shall not steal.’ Have you ever stolen anything, regardless of value? A penny, paperclip… cookie—even if it was in the past? If so, then you are a thief.”

I warned that lust was adultery and hatred murder according to the Bible, that God would not hold anyone guiltless who misused His name. I warned of Judgment Day and Hell for all those who have sinned. Then I spoke of the love of God demonstrated by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. If they would only repent and put their trust in the Savior, they’d have everlasting life.

I thanked the people for their patient attention.

The man in black made his move. I didn’t see it coming at all.
He raised his hands toward me…

Battleground: DMV, Part 1

Inspired by “Righteous Richard” Chavarria’s recent assault at the Hawthorne Department of Motor Vehicles I grabbed two members of my early Tuesday men’s group for protection, and headed down to preach to the crowd standing in line this morning. The unexpected happened… Shane Griffin and Jeff Simmons would “prime the line” by handing out Gospel