Battleground: DMV, Part 2

(Read part 1 by clicking here!)

It looks like this man wasn’t very happy with my preaching at the Hawthorne Department of Motor Vehicles.

In fact, he looks rather angry.

Of course, I was completely oblivious to his apparently agitated state.

But agitated or not, I still had a job to do. I took all those standing in line at 7:50 in the morning through the 10 Commandments: “The 9th Commandment: ‘You shall not lie.’ Have you ever lied, told a half truth or a bald-faced exaggeration? If so, then you are a liar!” I proclaimed. The 8th Commandment: ‘You shall not steal.’ Have you ever stolen anything, regardless of value? A penny, paperclip… cookie—even if it was in the past? If so, then you are a thief.”

I warned that lust was adultery and hatred murder according to the Bible, that God would not hold anyone guiltless who misused His name. I warned of Judgment Day and Hell for all those who have sinned. Then I spoke of the love of God demonstrated by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. If they would only repent and put their trust in the Savior, they’d have everlasting life.

I thanked the people for their patient attention.

The man in black made his move. I didn’t see it coming at all.
He raised his hands toward me…

…and started to—clap. He smiled. As did a few others. They clapped, too.

Raising my hand in a gesture of thanks, I left.

No problems today preaching the Gospel. But there’s always… tomorrow.

See what this message looks and sounds like here.

Comments (8)

  1. Paul Latour


    Glory to God! Right on! Amen!

    THAT doesn’t happen often. I rekon we’d have to change our message and/or strategy if all we got was applause from our hearers. But this was well deserved. Great encouragement.

    And no aliens!

  2. Bobbie Chalekian


    Steve and Richard . . .You guys are AWESOME and I totally LOVE YOU BOTH!! Bobbie

  3. Michael Herrera


    Don’t forget monorails or subways both are excellent places for captive audiences. Whoops I mean “organic.”

  4. Reply

    Oh BOO! I was hoping for another “pulled off my elevation by Mr. Big” story.

    You guys are doing a tremendous job! Praise God!

  5. Cindy Parsons


    Keep up the good work!

    We all have so much work to do on this Earth before The Lord comes back.
    We must make the most of each day, because the days on Earth are evil~

    A simple trip to the DMV, The gospel landing on ears to hear or a harden heart…

    Just remember, YOU LABOR NOT IN VAIN!

    God bless you with continued boldness in the work that you do.

  6. Jamie Boykin-Cappello


    You rock guys. The days are coming, and those that come against that which is the truth are doomed for eternity. Keep on sharing the Good News. We can reach anyone, they have to be at the place that brings them to their knees. With all the problems in today’s world we need Jesus to carry us threw. I have recently seen the signs around town, “Got Jesus”. It is a reminder to me that I diffently need to have Jesus, no matter what. God Bless keep on the path that the Lord has given to each of us. We get too today, to be grateful for that which the Lord has made.

  7. Reply

    OH MY GOODNESS! When doing the 8th commandment, I use even a penny, paperclip, or cookie out of the jar as an example. I can’t believe you do the same thing!

  8. Debra Flores


    Dear Pastor Steve, I was fortunate enough to have picked the 10:45 service this week-end for church, and began to pray for everyone sitting there to recieve your message ( including myself ) about 30 minutes into it when I realized how powerful and different and truthful it was.
    I loved your reading and my mind was just exploding with new thoughts and understanding into the workings of our GOD, and I just want to thank you for doing that sermon, your delivery was impeccable with the softness of your voice and the strength at the same time, and you didn’t even have to yell!!! yeah.
    The 10:45 may have been the largest altar call of the week-end, but even if only one person had gottne up all week-end what you did for all of us by reading that sermon was a great gift to all of us.
    I want to thank you for teaching me the difference between that “feel good” message I came to the Lord by and the real message of God, I had asked Jesus to come into my heart 25 years ago thinking that if I did that I could make my miserable life better, but of couse that did not happen, quite the opposite actually.
    Thank you for teaching me more about our GOD and opening my eyes to my mistaken belief, and helping me to understand my need for repentance from my sins and my need for JESUS my Savior. I hope I get it right soon! love Debra Flores

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