Atheist Tuesday: The Atheist Prayer

There’s only one rule we have after setting up our new Prayer Stand: Pray for the atheists. Each and every time we set it up we will pray for the atheists to get understanding, to get wisdom, to repent of their sins and trust in the Savior. Every time.

We recorded our “Atheist Prayer” last week at a local college for YouTube so all the adamant unbelievers will know we are interceding for them because we love them. Here’s one review:

“Lol , thanks for wasting your time, I would rather you be at work contributing to society and, no, what you are doing in* is this video is not contributing to society , if anything it is causing aggravation and making society worse , but hey starting arguments and causing aggravation is stereo-typically what theists do , right.—LogicalStatements1 1 day ago

Now see the video of what happened after our 90 minutes on campus:

Atheist Tuesday: Evidence 101

For years now, the atheists at this blog have been clamoring for proof of God, the existence of Jesus Christ, the veracity of the Bible, etc; so I have decided to provide an occasional series on Atheist Tuesdays concerning the evidences that most Christians see as reason enough to believe.

Now, I must confess that I did not come to faith in Jesus Christ because of evidence or proof. I came to him because I was at the end of my rope, ready to lose everything. I heard a message at a Christian 12 step program at my church that explained how I was a sinner, how I deserved Hell, and how I could be forgiven by repenting of my sin and putting my trust in Jesus Christ who suffered and died on a cross, was buried for three days and rose again. And I believed it! (You can watch, hear or read my testimony by clicking here.)

I understand that there will be many who refuse to believe. Even after I present these evidences—and more after—even then they won’t be good enough. Nevertheless, here is the first batch. These come from my friend Tony Yu (The JW Preacher), who has a blog called “Systematic Evangelism.”

Below is the cover of his new tract. Click “Read the rest of the entry” to examine the evidences he presents. I will provide the link for you to read the remainder so that you may critique the validity of his tract at the end of the post. Go for it atheists!

Now for some of the evidences:

Atheist Tuesday: A Non Seeker-Friendly Church

I want to invite all atheist readers of my blog to our fellowship, Hope Chapel. But I must warn you: We are not seeker-friendly, we are user-friendly. That is, we are not going to pander to you by offering a watered-down, man-centered, toothless message designed to make you feel good.

Oh! Here’s our church welcome sign from two weeks ago:

We are user-friendly though. That is, we will provide you with a very comfortable environment in which you may hear the truth of the biblical Gospel, taught verse by verse, in a message that is from 45 to 60 minutes long. (You can even bring coffee into our sanctuary.) You will also hear that you are a sinner, that you’ve broken the Commandments, that you are headed for Hell and the only way to be saved is by trusting Christ and repenting of your sin—nearly every week!

Oh! Here’s another of our church’s welcome signs from last week:

See you on Sunday? (Okay then, come Friday night at 7pm or Saturday night at 6pm.)

Whatcha waiting for? I’ll even buy lunch (or dinner).

Did you see this other church?