
I saw him. He saw me. Dreaded Security. At the mall. Again. “Are you still handing out those Million-dollar bill Gospel tracts? You know that you are not supposed to do that,” 19-year-old Ryan stated flatly, his badge glistening in the setting sun. “Yes, I am,” I admitted, “and I will stop. BUT! I will

Mall Ministry Madness!!!

Stephanie McCullough, rushed into management’s office and politely asked for an application to set up a booth inside the mall. Stephanie felt that this was the ministry for her. She was undaunted by the 15-page application that she has to fill out every time she requests a table. It’s worth it! Why is it worth

Espresso Shot

It was a simple greeting and a simple question. But a very strange reaction… Peet’s coffee is better than Starbuck’s, but since there isn’t one on every corner I patronize the place rarely. “Happy Good Friday!” I said cheerfully to the server at the counter. “Happy, uh, Good… Friday,” she replied haltingly. “Do you know