Appointment with Eternity #6
And here’s yet another reason why I must ask the million $ question everyday to people which is: “If you were to die today, would you go to Heaven or Hell? Do you have an “Appointment with Eternity” photo? Let me know.
And here’s yet another reason why I must ask the million $ question everyday to people which is: “If you were to die today, would you go to Heaven or Hell? Do you have an “Appointment with Eternity” photo? Let me know.
Would you be able to stand if this happened to you? Are you even able to stand now and face a dirty look for sharing your faith? This happened in Northern Nigeria, 1992: Muslims in Kaduna, Nigeria, went on a rampage against Christians. Two pastors and their families were killed, along with 300 laymen. The
I need a mannequin for open-air preaching. Does anybody know where I can get one? A whole body would be great, but half a man would be fine too. Just leave a comment and it will get to me.
(Doogie Talons, an obvious pseudonym–atheists don’t want you to know who they are–posted this comment on the article below, “NBC Blasphemy Challenge Report”. I think he is very clear and articulate in what he believes, or doesn’t believe as the case would be. Read it and let me know your thoughts. If you are a
The Coveted Photo!
(You must read “The Rose Parade, Flying Millions and a Bogus Wookie” posted below to understand this posting, or you can just click here. )
A compassionate and understanding reader took pity on me… This person fulfilled what I couldn’t do on January 1st at the Rose Parade. And though this is a really frivolous post and has nothing to do with evangelism at all, I’m eternally grateful that I have this image to post on my website. What is this all precious image? Remember, you must read the aforementioned article then
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