E-vangie Tales #71: Cop Out

The motorcycle cop was hiding—very sneakily—in the shadows, waiting, waiting…. I peeked at my speedometer and gently tapped the brake as I passed. Too late! The red and blue lights flashed hideously in the rearview mirror. That was quite alright though; I was ready and willing to show this cop what was up…. and down.

Pulling over, my two little girls panicked in their car seats. I assured them that I was only going to get a ticket, hoping of course that I would be let off with a warning; after all, I was a servant of the Most High God.

“License please,” the policeman requested firmly without a smile.

E-vangie Tales #70 “Year End Closeout!”

Apart from the sovereignty of God I’ve found the mysterious hidden knowledge, the deeper secrets, of how to lead people to repentance and a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ….

Just ask. Duh!

I was getting discouraged; two years of evangelizing nearly everyday had not produced many converts to Christ. Don’t get me wrong. I was still sowing seed trusting that God’s Word never returned empty, but still…. I wanted to see people actually get saved! Frankly, I was just darn tired of being a Johnny Appleseed for Jesus. “I’m an evangelist, not a Savior,” I’d protest defensively to naysayers.

CHINA MISSION 2005: “A Great Wall” Part II

(Note: Except for the Hope for China team, some of the names and locations have been changed to protect the innocent.)

“Are there many house churches out here and how is the government?” I asked Ann, an orphanage worker.

“Yes, many house churches,” she replied, “but the government leaves us alone unless there is a contest. The [Public Security Bureau] knows where all the house churches are, so if someone wants to be a champion, they go get them.” She paused. “We pray for no contests…”