The Everyday Club/2010

ATTENTION!!! If you’d like to sign up for The Everyday Club 2011, click here.


What is the Everyday Club? It’s an evangelistic Club where you make it your goal to share your faith everyday through tracts, personal witnessing or open air preaching. You make your own personal goal and report it here every month.

The minimum goal would be to hand out one tract a day, but you can make whatever goal you want. So far, nearly 100 people have made a daily evangelistic commitment. (Read more about the Club and see who joined last year by clicking here.)

The Club’s purpose is to allow you an opportunity to set an evangelistic goal and monitor your progress and faithfulness to that goal. This is not a legalistic prescription or a vow; it’s simply a personal goal. Sometimes you will fall short, other times you’ll hit it. (Please read some safeguards against pride written by my friend, Tony Miano, here.)

My own personal goal is to hand out 10 tracts a day or have at least one personal witnessing encounter, and to open air preach when the opportunity arises. Because of my commitment to The Everyday Club I don’t want to miss a single day—and believe me, there are some days that I just plain didn’t want to share my faith. (Read about evangelist D. L. Moody’s (1837 – 1899) everyday commitment by clicking here.)

Remember, it’s not a vow, it’s a goal! You may fall short of that goal, but at least you’ll have one. Don’t be afraid; have faith.

Too many times we wait for an “open door” or “that special person” to come along that God wants us to witness to. The early disciples didn’t wait, they moved! It’s my understanding that Jesus came to seek and to save that which is lost, which gives us carte blanche to speak anytime, anywhere.

Am I wrong here?

Join the club.


This is the opportunity for you to make an evangelistic commitment and report on it twelve times a year. (I post each report at the beginning of each month and send you an email reminder.) You can sign up here if you’d like to join by simply leaving a comment about what your daily goal will be.

Comments (64)

  1. Reply

    I am glad to say i finally reached my goal of initiating an evangelistic conversation every day, by God’s grace! At first I thought the fear of man would never go away, but this habit of everyday witnessing is causing it to go away, slowly but surely, and it is really causing me to grow in my faith. I want to encourage others to set some sort of goal that will bring you out of your confort zone every day. My new goal is to initiate a conversation every day and to bring someone from my church with me at least ten times a month. I continue to write stories of these conversations at

  2. Chris Wray


    Not sure of totals for December. Re-affirming my goal for at least 1 tract a day or 1 one-on-one a day.

  3. Reply

    December was not a good month for me. I kept forgetting to take my tracts with me. I think this is because my husband put my tract box in a cabinet and when they are not out where I can see them, I don’t remember them until it is too late. When I did remember to take them with me, I gave out more to make up for the times I didn’t.

  4. Craig


    I will tell others about JESUS in 2010! As God leads me! K?? 🙂 I desire to be a TRUE FOLLOWER OF JESUS! Pray for me! Wisdom! Health! Relationships! Family! Finances! $$$$ However God leads you! K??? 🙂
    I love you all!! xxxoooxxx
    Happy New Year!! Be Encouraged! Don’t Give Up! Stay Positive! 🙂
    Pray that I see my mom in Vancouver Island,BC,,Canada soooon! God willing! She’s 73! Pray for her!!!! 🙂
    I haven’t seen her in over 8 years!!! 🙁
    I need a passport and Finances to get there!!! Pray for favor at work! 🙂 Thanks sooooo much!!!! 🙂

  5. dede


    my prayer and my goal for this coming year is more aggressive evangelism in whatever form that may be via the power of God.

    the cross–for now, the only thing my heart is being tugged for is a “weekly” committment to a couple of area high schools…one near my house and one out in the san fernando valley.

    secondly, i pray and desire more boldness and courage. to be open to more creative ways to proclaim the Gospel in OA.

    p.s. thank u steve for your encouragements. i so often felt downcast and defeated this past year. but, i know that no matter how i feel…i must step out in faith to proclaim Him. thank u also to D.D. for her braveness and boldness…what a soldier!

  6. Mark Morrison


    I gave out around 400 tracts for December. That included 150 at my mom’s funeral. I know where she is and I can’t wait to see her again ! My goal for 2010 is at least 10 a day.

  7. Thomas Moore


    This past year my goals changed in the second half of the year. The first half my goal was called “3-2-1”, which means to get three tracts out each week, do two 1-2-1’s each week, and do one open-air each week. I think every week I got very close to reaching that goal. Then in October I moved to a much smaller town so now things are much different. (I would also like to add that my grandfather passed away in November. He was a believer and I was able to speak at his funeral and give the full gospel to my family who many are not saved)! My new goal became just getting at least one tract out everyday in whatever way I could (mostly laying them out so people can find them. The town I live in has four ATM machines and I’m constantly going to those). Now for 2010 I plan to bump up my goal of getting at least two tracts out everyday! Also I plan to go to any parades, festivals, and events I can to witness! May God get the glory!!!

  8. Reply

    My goal is to pray everyday that the Lord will send people into my path that are in pain and ‘being had’ by this world, and that He would give me the courage to speak of Him and the wonderful things He has done to overcome the world, for us.

    And that the Lord would give power to my poor words for His purposes, and that some may truly hear it and become His own.


  9. Michael Kane


    Starting out….one tract a day and/or a one-on-one witnessing each day. Actually had a good talk yesterday with Ryan (cable guy) while he was working on my modem.

  10. Stephen Whitehead


    I admit last year I didn’t do too well with my goals for various reasons..

    This year my goal is to hand out or otherwise distribute either a tract or a gospel every day, and to discuss the gospel with at least one person a week.

  11. Barbara Perez Goiri


    My daughter and I both commit this year to share our witnessing testimonies by handing out tracts daily. Emily’s goal is 1+ a day and mine is 3 + a day. We’re going to Chile South America in March and my daughter Emily who’s 10 says it’s her first Missionary Trip. I love her heart and we have commited to handing out tracts in Chile as well. May God always bless us all and keep us passionate about the lost!

  12. Richard Chavarria


    Well, I missed three days this month. It’s like a slippery slope, miss one day and it’s easy to miss more days. That’s why it’s called the Everyday Club. I love Jeff’s goal of a 1-2-1 everyday. I hope to find a way to build to this goal this year. Right now it’s hand out 10 tracts or a 1-2-1 everyday.

    For December we handed out 1,705 tracts; 8-121’s; 30 open-airs; and more than 630 hearers; plus the corridor of conversion at USC vs. Arizona.

    For the year we passed out 24,730 tracts; 385-121’s; 186 open-airs; with 8,445 hearers, (plus the corridor of conversion).

    Isn’t it amazing that God would use a wretched sinner saved by grace like me to build his kingdom for eternity!!!

    God has called the preaching of his word. which the world calls foolishness to be the power unto salvation.

  13. Barbara Perez Goiri


    So I have a testimony today! Last night my car was stolen and at 6:00am this morning Torrance PD was pounding on my door. They asked me if I knew where my car was and I told them yes it was in my garage. We checked and my carport/garage area was empty. The testimony is that I had like maybe 50-100 of the Happy New Years Evangie Tracts in the back seat and the cops told me they found my car this morning dropped off in East LA with papers all over the car. He/She must have read one, realized they had broken God’s commandments and REPENTED because the car was left parked on the street and left intact. I believe we were used to get the message to this person and we give God all the glory!

  14. Ian


    Hi i am new to this and i think i will start off with one person a day and go from there. Pls pray for me as there are many people in my area in great need of Christ and being saved from the wrath of God through the love of Christ. Practice makes perfect and since Christ is our perfecter all should work out good. Thanks much.

  15. Reply

    I think this is a great idea. I need some accountability in this. I want to commit to pass out at least one tract a day and to praying for the lost. I need to be more active in sharing my faith. Thanks for the challenge!

  16. Eric Stuckey


    My brother Chad and I commit to handing out tracts every Sunday afternoon at the Dana Point Harbor. It’s the best place in our home town to do this. Also, with every encounter in our real estate company, we want to be able to give them Jesus. He’s all we have to give. And, He’s the greatest gift of all. Please pray for us, and send me an e-mail if you’d like to join us at the D.P. Harbor one day. It’s difficult to get the local churches involved.

  17. Bob Johnson


    My starting goal in this club is at least 1 tract a day. By joining I commit and submit to the accountability.

  18. Chris Chumita


    5 tracts a day or 1 one-to-one conversation per day

    Open air preach at least twice per month.

  19. Eric Stuckey


    Every Monday 12:30 – 2:30 at UC Irvine campus, we average 4 brothers handing out tracts and engaging in one-on-one evangelism. Our total tract distribution for April is approximately 1500, with 50 witnessing encounters. When we run into a Christian, we give them more tracts and urge them to learn how to share their faith. Recently lead to start a small organization called OCGO– Orange County Gospel Outreach. We’re recruiting laborers from OC Churches to join us by letting us know where and when they can do the same. We aim to support each other and keep track of our scheduled outreaches.

    All glory to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

  20. Eric Stuckey


    The core group of evangelists has committed to daily witnessing, and we challenge (ehort) each other by text often.

  21. Ed Lopez


    My goal is to hand out or strategically place 5 tracts per day and try to have at least 3 1-2-1 witness encounter.

    As for open airing, a group I belong to goes out tracting & open airing once a month at the San Jose bar disctrict. So I plan on doing it everytime we meet up to do so.

  22. Anthony Varon


    well I have committed to sharing my faith with at least one person a day or 10 tracts daily, and then when I go on evangelism adventures weekly, the evangelism is unlimited!

  23. Reply

    I was invited to the everyday club by a friend in Saint Petersburg Russia, I’m a missionary in Riga, Latvia and I am joining and inviting my friends to join. My goal now is to share tracts and/or individually share gospel and/or open-air preach the gospel daily all summer. I was doing this weekly, but I believe God is calling me to not let a day go by without offering the gospel daily to at least one person. It all starts with that first person and then it gets easier to share with 2 or 4 or 100. Thanks for the idea! – Brenten, CalvaryLatvia

  24. Melissa Burdett


    By God’s grace, I will not quit. I will hand out at least one tract per day, and if I can give out more, then it will be even better. Since leaving the academy, I have met this goal.

  25. Mary Attwell


    Not by might nor by power but by The Word of God! !!!!
    With His power I will join the Everyday Club to Preach The Word and hand out the tracts daily!

    Hey let’s hear from everyone from#16 Accdemy!!
    Hey we are the Academy to beat!!

  26. Dale Adams


    Hello Steve, thank you again for all you did in training us in open air preaching, one on one and handing out tracts. I appreciated your compassion for each one and your zeal for the Lord. I committed to passing out at least one tract a day and witnessing whenever possible and doing an open air at our next ‘Day in the Park’ in July. I had the opportunity to hand out a tract to the shuttle driver, to a stewardess and to the captain as he was exiting the cockpit and greeting the people leaving the plane. I handed him one and said thanks a million for the safe flight. While I was at the Ambassadors Academy 16 I received a call from my wife about a graveside funeral I was asked to do today, Tuesday the 15th. I did not know the man but the woman who recommended me knew me. So when I went to the graveside I told the people that I didn’t know this man and would ask some of the family to come up in a minute and share some words of encuragement about him to the people. I then told the people that I knew one thing that he and I and all of us had in common and that was that we too were going to die someday. Then I said; the question is where will I go, where will we go when we die. From there I was able to transition into the law and grace. I don’t know if I would have used that had I not just come back from the Academy. Anyway, Steve you were such an encouragement to me in that you were bold in sharing your faith. Thank you for instilling that in me as well. Love in Christ and Friends Forever, Dale Adams

  27. Kelli Murdock


    Steve, thanks for all the training you gave us at the AA16. Though I don’t think I’ll be running through any bars slapping down million dollar bills anytime soon, you push me to do things I NEVER thought I’d do… AND IT WAS FUN! You gave me some great ideas for training people here at home (BTW… don’t forget to send me that starter training material). Anyway, on to my goals…

    My personal goal is to pass out a minimum of one tract each day, seek out one 1-to-1 conversation per week, and do some stoplight/open air preaching at least one time per month. PRAY FOR ME!!! 😉

  28. Shanna Courson


    Steve, I praise God for you! I want to join the everyday club. It will not be easy, but I desire to share my faith everyday with lost people. My goal is:

    Hand out at least one tract a day and/or have a one-to-one with one person a day. I just want to share my faith at least once a day in whatever method I can. Lord Jesus, please give me the strength and grace that I need.

  29. Josh Courson


    Steve, I really appreciated having you and Ed as our team leaders. I doubt anyone else would have pushed us further out of our comfort zones, and will be playing an adaptation of “Stevie Says” up here in Alaska. I really am thankful for our time at #16.

    Anyway, here are my goals:
    Hand out at least 10 tracts a day
    Do at least one 1:1.
    And begin to open air preach soon. (Kind of subjective I guess.)

  30. Eric Corrick


    Pastor Steve,

    Where do we publish how many tracts we handed out?

  31. Ed Lee


    Thanks Steve for your continuous encouragement to be faithful seed sowers. After teaching the current evangelism class for you for the past 2 weeks while you were on vacation, my wife and I were convicted of the importance of reaching as many of the lost as we can. The days are evil and the days are short! Those of us with the saving faith and trust in our Lord and Saviour need to be diligent! My wife Gris and I are committing to 10 tracks and/or 1 gospel presenting conversation every day!

  32. Margaret Gill


    This site is awesome! I always leave tracts on my runs in places where people will find them, but do not always have one-to-one’s. I plan to have at least 1 one-on-one every week to start, but pass out a tract every day. This morning on my run, I placed 5 tracts where they will be seen – I ran at 5:30 in the morning, and so hardly anyone was out this morning and it was still dark.

  33. Faith Nauroth


    Well, here it goes. By God’s grace I am going to hand out one tract every single day (or seven tracts a week), and find at least one person to engage in conversation weekly. Hopefully I will be able to surpass these goals so that many more people will hear the Gospel and prayerfully repent and trust in Christ alone. Soli Deo Gloria!

    BTW: It was an honor to serve with you Steve on your team this past week at the AA. Prayerfully God will grant me the opportunity to do so again before He calls us home. God bless you Steve!

  34. David Halla


    Michelle and myself were also encouraged and challenged and blessed to be on your team. We have been handing out 3 to5 tracks since we have been back. Michelle shared with 4 people at work and I also shared with 5 at my work. When I got back on Sunday, I went to get my car filled up with gas and a family of 3 were on the other side of the pump. The 2 teens (16-18) were arguing and the one girl said, “I’ll give you a thousand dollars to be quiet.” I stuck my head out from around the pump and said, “I’ll give you 3 million dollars if you read these.”

  35. randol D.


    Yesterday was Great! Got a Tooth pulled and then while I waited for my wife with perfect teeth to get done with her cleaning I gave all the ladies in the office a million and visitors. So who has time to wary about pain. But as of yet today haven’t left the house. Maybe later. More then Happy to Join your team Steve it’s a Great Club to be a part of. Take Care.

  36. Reply


    Please sign me up for the everyday club, since getting back from AA16 I have been going out each week witnessing, but have not gotten into witnessing daily, so I am looking forward to having this venue to keep me on track to do lifestyle (everyday) evangelism.

    In Christ
    Gary Carter

  37. Michael Keever


    Hey Steve,

    I gave a million dollar bill to my homeschool teacher and asked him to read it over before he left. He didn’t say anything except goodbye, but at least he took it with him.

  38. Mary Attwell


    I just returned from the Awakening conference, at Calvary Chapel. It was so uplifting to worship with so many believers and to gain wisdom again in witnessing to the lost. Ray spoke about why it is so important to share wherever He leads, in every opportunity He gives us!
    I was able to witness more this month than before and I gave away afew more tracs, but I am still behind my goal!
    PRAY that remain Faithful… Mary AA#16

  39. Ed Lee


    OK…I am here to confess my lack of faithfulness!! In Sept I met my goals half of the month, missing 15 days, and in October I fell completely off the wagon and only met my goals 11 times. Man oh manechevitz, how easy it is to get pulled away by the cares of this world.
    I am recommitting to my goals of ten tracts or 1 personal witness daily, and I’m off to a good start by accomplishing my goal yesterday and today!! 2 days down and the rest of my life to go!!

    On a less encouraging note, my meager efforts of the last 2 months probably surpassed more reaching out to the lost and dying than 98% of professing Christians. Join me in praying for them and me that God would cause them to awaken!! Pray to the Lord of the harvest!!

  40. wretchedrandy


    Hi.. I continue on a daily bases to give out tracts even if I’m having a bad day, Because the Day they will have on Judgment day is far worse then any day that I will ever have. Merry Christ-our Messiah, Lord,King and God!

  41. Dan Harris


    My report is late. December was a blurr for me, I know I missed my daily goal on tracts but made tracks with witnessing. I think I want to add a goal for 2011. Get somene to sing one of a few simple songs like Jesus loves me ‘for the Bible tells me so!’. and increase the O.A. I wil be closer to a close partner in witnessing after I move in January – Look forward to improving on meeting my Goals.
    Sola Scriptura, Sola Christo,
    Soli Deo Gloria


  42. Mary Attwell


    Steve… I want to Thank Our Lord for your continued work for His Kingdom…
    Also for allowing us to recommit to our goal to witness about Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.. You are right if we need to set a goal…
    I did not reach my goal and I was discouraged until I read your Dec.
    Stone the Preacher newsletter this am 1/2/11 So I am re committing…1/2/11
    and understood that I can rejoin and set a new goal again to share my Faith share the Joy that He that is set before me To Tell Others………
    JESUS SAVES!!! ..Mary AA#16

  43. margaret gill


    I love how God has worked in you and your ministry, when i have gotten your reminder emails to post about sharing, it has always encouraged me not to shrink back!

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