I’m Out of the Closet Today
It’s 2017 so I feel comfortable enough to do so. Those who know me well may not be too surprised when I reveal this very personal truth. But, this is the day that I feel emboldened enough to do it, so, please, accept me for who I am; I cannot turn back.
With all the current talk about trans-people from transgender to transsexuals, I now will also admit something. Please, don’t be shocked. I was born this way and had these feelings since I was very young. I can never change who I really am.
Yes, I’m trans.
My Queer, Communist Friend
I WISHED A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY RADICAL, LEFT-WING, COMMUNIST, QUEER ACTIVIST, 30-year-old Facebook friend whose nom de plume is Cher Guevara. He would add this to his description: He would add this to his description: “anarcho-syndicalist, gender non-conforming, poet, journalist, performance artist, actor.”
We have had many spirited yet respectful conversations over the past few years. He knows where I stand on the issues and I know where he’s coming from. We have a lot of fun discussing the various social, political and religious topics that make their way onto social media. Even though his viewpoints are always completely off-the-wall and 100% wrong, I’m glad to have him as my friend.
He asked me some questions a while ago about who I am and why I held particular views; here is how I
answered him:
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