It would have been my dad’s 91st birthday last week and it caused me to reflect on my Dad’s profession of faith in Jesus Christ, as well as my stepmom Judy’s, two years ago. Their turning to the Lord were the results of thirty years of praying. Plus, there was a bonus: my dad’s hospital roommate also confessed Jesus as Lord. Not only that, I was able to baptize all three of them.

At the time my concern was that they would not be discipled, that is, taught about the things of God nor read the Bible, nor go to a church, nor experience Christian fellowship. That all proved true. They both died last year and as far as I could tell, there was no discernible growth. In fact, my father was downright hostile to the Gospel the last time I saw him, a year after he “became” a Christian.

Baby Baptism

Every now and then I want to let you know what’s happening faith-wise in our family, how Christ influences everything we do, and how we pass on what we learn to our daughters so that they can grow up, mature in the faith.

At age five, my youngest, Laurel Ann, was handing out Gospel tracts; at age 6, she made her open air preaching debut  at a stop light. Now, my 9-year-old baby is making her public profession of faith through the waters of baptism. (Our eldest, D.D. was baptized two years ago.)  She understands that baptism doesn’t save her, only faith in Jesus Christ does this. Notice her beaming parents.

We believe in a “Believer’s Baptism.”