EV Tips: Break the Ice Quickly

Whenever I go with a team of people to hand out Gospel tracts and share our faith the first thing we do is hand out a tract to the very first person we see. It gets the initial jitters over with and allows you the freedom to get “into a groove.” You will be amazed at how easy it is once you get the first one “over with.”

Here’s my 5-year-old Laurel “breaking the ice” in the parking lot of the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica before we hit the mall:

null A secondary tip is to teach your kids to evangelize when they are very young, so they won’t be evangelistic wimps when they grow up like the rest of American Christians.

Comments (5)

  1. Reply

    I remember watching one of Tony Miano’s children using the Pink & Blue illusion tract back in 2006 and I thought to myself, “Wow, now that is bold. What a coward I am for not approaching people with a gospel tract.” Things have certainly changed since then. Praise God for the young laborers. The harvest is plentiful so children are equally viable at getting the gospel in the hands of lost individuals.

  2. Ray St Pierre


    This evening, I was out with my kids,
    I was looking for someone to give a
    tract to.

    I looked at the cashier 10 feet away and
    she looked my way too, we smiled, and I
    steped over and said, “I have three of these
    left, have you seen these before?”

    At first she thought it was real money and
    motioned no, but I said, “this is a fake Million
    dollar bill,” and handed her one, she took it.
    and smiled, “oh.” that is really neat! and laughed!

    They are very neat!

  3. Mariah


    Jeff, thank you so much for sharing that fantastic account of one man’s witnessing.

    That is a wonderful testimony of faithfulness and God at work in ways we can’t see. What an encouragement!

    I hope every Christian clicks on that site to listen to it, and then shares it with others.

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