Prayer Support Needed

IN ALL MY EXCITEMENT I FORGOT the one thing that’s really needed!

I need 100+ people who will commit to praying for my family and I as we plant Hope Chapel Hill Country. Of all the things on my “To Do” list, I forgot to ask for prayer support!


If you are willing to partner with us by praying for us, will you please email me at [email protected] and let me know? I will also send you regular updates, short emails telling you how we are doing and what prayers we need and which have been answered.

Currently, I need a worship leader! I’m thinking of making this request on Craig’s List! I will send you more as you email me. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Comments (6)

      • Bizzle

        I appreciate your positive attitude and your sunny outlook, but I can see who others say you don’t answer questions.

        While realizing that you will do everything in your power to get 100 people to commit to praying, what will you do if only 50-60 commit?

        I will accept, I don’t have any plans because I don’t expect to get less than 100, as an answer.

      • Oh, sorry. If I don’t get a hundred I will keep trying to get a hundred. It’s just an arbitrary figure but the more praying the better.

      • Bizzle

        Thank you Steve. See, that wasn’t hard 🙂 It’s not arbitrary. Getting 100 people to commit to anything in today’s day and age is a monumental accomplishment. I wish you the best of luck.

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