Gay Pride Parade, Pt. 5: “Pride” and Joy

A friend asked me, “When do you dust your feet off?” This was a reference to Jesus telling his twelve disciples, “If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town.” And make no mistake about it, fifteen evangelists were not exactly welcomed to the West Hollywood 39th Annual Gay Pride Parade when we attended. (Start at part 1 by clicking here.)

“I don’t know when to dust my feet off,” I replied. There were so many in this area who needed to turn to God. Had God left this area to utter ruin? Had he completely given them over? Surely there were some here that were struggling with their homosexuality, others experimenting, and some who were just along for the ride. Since we didn’t know for sure and Jesus told us to go into all the world, we gave it our best shot. We attempted to try and save some.

I wondered if some mom somewhere had lost their son or daughter to this lifestyle, some Christian mom. Maybe she was hoping, praying, that someone would reach out to them. Maybe, possibly, we were an answer to prayer. We had the words of eternal life, and we were giving them out freely to whomever would listen.

My friend Donnie Legg, from Florida, accompanied the team to the parade. He loves people and loved the gay community. He was furiously handing out Gospel tracts, throwing out as many life ropes as possible, when he encountered a young woman named Pinky. Watch what happened.

Donnie sent me a later email that filled in some details left out of the video. Here’s what he wrote:

I didn’t mention the fact that after reading the tract Pinky said that it put her under heavy conviction; that’s why she didn’t want to keep it. I explained to her that she would not get out of the lifestyle that she was in by being in the flesh. She needed to heed God’s conviction by repenting, trusting and committing her life to Jesus Christ alone. God would then deliver her from that lifestyle. I was able to go through the law and the gospel with her, and told her if she was truly born again that there were many lost people around her that she could give the tract to. She thanked me for talking to her that way, and turned and walked away with the tract. Keep Pinky in your prayers.

Maybe the only reason we were at the parade was for Pinky.

When do we dust our feet off? After the very last person is snatched out of Hell.

*We handed out well over 20,000 Gospel tracts and had many, many loving conversations that day.*

Click here for Part 6 and watch a video interview with a gay man who had issues with Christians and God.

Comments (3)

  1. miriam da matta


    thank you for your faithfulness it is like fresh air to hear that Pinky was there to hear the gospel news again and that you were obedient to The Holy Spirit to do that for her. May The Lord bless you and your families. I will pray for pinky AND for your protection.
    Your sister from Hope Chapel

  2. Reply

    This is real evangelism in purest form. As I read these articles and watch the clips I keep thinking how awsome our God is that He would keep reaching out. The pinky vid shows that probobly a good majority in the gay community are not yet given fully over in the deception, which shows how important it was to be there.

  3. Kim Lopez


    Hi Steve – I’ Ed’s wife (from AA 14). Thanks so much for reminding us about this and how to use thoughtful tactics when sharing the gospel with these folks.

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