Runnin’ With the Devil?

Eddie Van Halen died today at age 65. Did he go to Heaven or Hell?

Only God knows. I can never make that determination nor can anyone else; all we can do is look at his life to see if he stood for Christ or lived for himself.

Eddie did give credit to God for his amazing music ability saying, “I just believe that when you play long enough you’re able to execute with your fingers, whatever God gives you… And God’s got a sense of humor, too–sometimes he gives me s—, ’cause not everything I do I like.”1

Raised in a Dutch Roman Catholic family, Eddie seems to acknowledge God in many things though he battled with drugs for years and had his girlfriend get an abortion when he got her pregnant in high school.2

Who knows how sold out he was, but he appears to be thankful.

“Yeah, I thank God on my knees that I’m alive and obviously to be sober and to be working with my son. I’m so damn blessed it’s beyond words.”1

In 2012 the whole band sat in the front row of New Life Christian Center in Trenton, New Jersey,3 but going to church makes you a Christian as much as living in the garage makes you a car.

According to one source, Eddie provided the musical score to a pornographic video called “Sacred Sin,” and the band’s album lyrics don’t necessarily promote a godly lifestyle.4

“Van Halen’s sin-glorifying music is a work of darkness. The band is infamous for sexually explicit lyrics; such as, ‘I want it bad, I want it bad, I want it bad, I’m hot for teacher’ and ‘Everybody wants some, I want some too!’ Their song ‘Panama’ is about having oral sex while driving.4

The great fall back for Christians is to think that perhaps he confessed Jesus Christ as Lord on his deathbed. That is always possible and can certainly happen. Many have come to the Savior at the last hour.

But if we continue to say that about people who are famous, those whom we love from afar because of their artistry, then we take the sting out of the truth that says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

It removes the warning that Jesus gave: “Unless you repent, you too will likewise perish.”

And the reality of a holy God is diminished, the one of whom it is said, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”

My hope is that Eddie Van Halen did repent, did trust in Jesus for his salvation and that he’s forgiven and that we will see him in heaven.

Sadly, without any outward signs of a sanctified life, I’m afraid that he indeed may still be Runnin’ With the Devil.



Comments (9)

  1. Dave Martin McClean


    You know the thing that makes me – as a “bible believing washed in the blood Christian” – so sad?

    The fact that I see no compassion in the posts that people like you make – the tone is always the same…it’s like you’re almost glad this “satan worshipping evil person” is in the lake of fire.

    Let me ask you a personal question – how many hours did you spend on YOUR knees asking God to forgive Eddie? How many days did you fast and pray and say “Lord I’m not done until this guy is reached for You”.

    I’d suggest little to none. Your heart hasn’t broken that someone with such incredible talent could have used if for God’s glory yet now sadly is likely in a lost eternity.

    Any idiot can put up a page these days and spout off “sins” and “evil” but it honestly makes me sick to my stomach.

    Paul’s desire was that he would be lost himself if it brought the Jews to salvation.

    YOU fall so far short of that standard – get on your knees and seek God and ask what HE wants you to say eh?


    • Reply

      No, I didn’t pray for Eddie. My prayers are limited to those who are close to me mostly. You’re wrong about me being glad that he may be in Hell. No, I post things like this so others may take to heart the urgency of salvation. I believe God wants me to say this. I could be wrong, but the message of the Gospel is in this post. Nevertheless, I fall short every day. Also, i did not conclude that Eddie was in Hell. I only quoted what he said and did. Won;t the god of all the earth do what is right?

      Thank you.

  2. Just A. Dude


    Eddie never wrote one lyric fyi. EVH was a sinner, so am I. I struggle with pain pills, I have my whole life, but that doesn’t make me not saved. God judges the heart, period. EVH always gave God the credit, was humble, and gave to the poor without others knowing about it. I absolutely believe EVH when faced with his certain death had many talks with the Lord, and I would bet almost anything God ushered him into heaven upon passing. When we become “saved”, we do not become un-human. I swear at other drivers in my car almost daily, but it doesn’t make me less saved. I listen to VH music almost every day, but it doesn’t make me less saved. I could go on and on. God knows our struggles even saved. Like that one pos (and yes that’s what he is) who wrote a blog telling the world how EVH is a sinner going to hell, yet this pos was found to be a pedophile, which to me is unforgivable. It is those people that point the fingers the most that typically have the most to hide in their sick and twisted world.

  3. Jill


    It is only for God to judge. My guess is that if Jesus had a choice, he would choose to spend his time with Eddie before you. Going through life’s tribulations is what refines us and I have no doubt he learned much along the way. I saw no mention in your article of the Grammy Eddie won for writing/performing Seventh Seal, which I have no doubt God had a hand in rewarding him. Musicians are God’s muses sent to reach those who are uncomfortable stepping inside the walls of the church to be judged the likes of you.

    “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? Matthew 7

    • Reply

      The third sentence I wrote was this: “Only God knows. I can never make that determination nor can anyone else; all we can do is look at his life to see if he stood for Christ or lived for himself.” If he stood for Christ, he’s in Heaven, if not….

  4. Carolyn


    Your a prick. Music is an art the same as the naked statues in Rome are really pornography. Judge not less you be judged. We all fall short of the glory of God because we are human idiot.

    • Reply

      Am I a prick because I disagree with you? I am judging him based on his content and lifestyle. Ultimately, God makes the decision. How about you? Are you headed for Heaven or Hell?

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