Since we celebrated Independence Day last week, I thought it important to understand how the majority of its founders acknowledged that God had a hand in building this greatest nation on earth despite what the naysayers and cynics say.

American’s confidence and belief in the bible is at an all-time low with only 20% saying that the Bible is the literal Word of God, according to a recent Gallup Poll. In addition, there’s a decline in overall religiosity in the U.S. adult population including
- declines in formal identification with a religion
- declines in church membership
- declines in religious service attendance,
- declines in the personal importance of religion,
- and declines in belief in God.
This is tragic because we as a nation were founded on Christian principles. Want proof? I’ll bet you didn’t learn this about Christopher Columbus’ reason for setting off to discover a new world:
“I was led of the Holy Spirit to carry the message of the Gospel to undiscovered lands.”
This is what the Pilgrims wrote in the Mayflower Compact about why they came in 1620:
“In the name of God, amen. Having undertaken for the glory of God and for the advancement of the Christian faith, do solemnly and mutually in the presence of God, covenant and combine ourselves together.”
Twenty-three 23 later, as more and more people settled in New England, the Puritans formed The New England Confederation. This is in their Constitution:
“Whereas we all came into these parts with one and the same end and aim, namely, to advance the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to enjoy the liberties of the gospel in purity and peace.”
As each state organized itself, the founders’ commitment to the Gospel is evident in the documents drafted:
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Eddie Roman’s Podcast Interview With…Me?
Eddie Roman is a producing director and editor at Ray Comfort’s ministry Living Waters. His podcast, “Roman’s Road with Eddie Roman” talks about Christian evangelism and apologetics through everyday conversations. He interviewed me at the 2020 Shepherds’ Conference in L.A. from his car office. I spoke about my days as an active evangelist with The
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