For Those in Anguish

PSALM 11:1—“In the Lord I take refuge.”

GOD HAS NEVER FAILED ME,” wrote George Mueller (1805-1898).

“Even in my greatest difficulties, heaviest trials, and deepest poverty and need…I was enabled by God’s grace to trust Him, He has always come to my aid. I delight in speaking well of His name.”

Martin Luther (1483-1546), deep in thought and needing to grasp hidden strength during a time of danger and fear in his life, was seen tracing on the table with his finger the words, “He lives! He lives!”

I’d be a basket case if I had not made the commitment to seek God first over 33 years ago.

Taking refuge in Him has allowed me to endure a failed Texas church plant in 2015 and gave me the strength to persevere when, at my next church, 2/3 of my new congregation abandoned me—including my wife.

When God Doesn’t Heal, Part 2

“What a long, strange trip it’s been” is an album title from the 60’s band Grateful Dead; it also sums up the last five years of my life here in Texas. I moved here from L.A. on September 29, 2013 and it has been quite the roller coaster. There were more hardships, losses and disappointments than I can count—but, just as many blessings. Each time I was at the end of my rope, God provided an inch more. When the other shoe was ready to drop, I tap danced. He’s taken me to the precipice time and again, yet I never fell off. Why? I leaned on the Everlasting Arms and trusted in a faithful Savior.

Still, there are times when bad things happen to everyone, when enough is enough, when life becomes so intolerable, so painful, all we can do is get on our knees, look up and cry out to God, “Why?”

For the last seven years, I’ve been taking great comfort in a devotional called, “Streams in the Desert.” It is a compilation of writings from godly authors on the theme of Christian suffering, put together in a little book by a woman who watched her missionary husband suffer for many years before he died.  I came across this particular article attributed to someone simply as J.H.M. It’s in the public domain, so, I thought you’d be encouraged by my sharing it with you: