E-VANGIE VIDEO to Debut Next Week

A new feature starting next week will be E-vangie Video. Not only will you be able to read about evangelistic adventures, you’ll see them too! As a test I posted a video of an interview I had with a lesbian on YouTube. I posted it with the tags: Evangelism, Witnessing, Lesbian, Gay & Homosexual. This

Fun with Stats

80% of Americans expect to be called before God on Judgment Day to answer for their sins. 90% believe in heaven. 77% rate their chances of going to heaven as “excellent” or “good.” 65% of Americans believe in the literal existence of Satan. 73% believe in Hell. 83% of Americans believe that Jesus Christ rose

The End of America

The House has gone the way of the Godless. So too, the Senate. An Associated Press report: “South Dakotans rejected a law that would have banned virtually all abortions, Arizona became the first state to defeat an amendment to ban gay marriage and Missouri approved a measure backing stem cell research.” In a huge loss,