Atheist Tuesday: How Darwin Stole Christmas
Here’s a slightly provocative article I found by a woman named Sharon Sebastian, who runs a website called and has just written her second book called Darwin’s Racists – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, which highlights Social Darwinism’s impact on America’s political ideology today and its influence on current policy out of Washington.
The assault on Christmas began in 1859 when figgy puddings were the rage. As 19th century families celebrated the birth of their Savior, a movement began to remove Christ from Christmas. It took root from the meandering suppositions of a man who, like his father and his grandfather, denounced Christianity. Seeking approval, the man proffered up a theory he believed would also win him favor with his agnostic, atheist and elitists friends. In defiance of God as Creator and armed with the new “theory,” those elitists looked down their noses at the reverent masses and their belief in a higher power. The man was Charles Darwin. His theory, simplistic and unproven, was the theory of evolution.
Based on mid-1800 rudimentary science, devoid of empirical scientific data to support it, Darwin’s theory became the means to an end to replace God as both Creator and Sovereign over humankind and the universe.
Atheist Tuesday: Jeffery Dahmer, Ex-Atheist
Jeffrey Dahmer was a notorious mass murderer who killed seventeen young men, ate them, and stored various body parts in his refrigerator. The police ended up finding eleven corpses in his apartment. Here’s an excerpt from Phillip Yancey’s excellent book, “What’s So Amazing About Grace”: One network showed a television program taped a few weeks
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