Tragedy at the Gay Pride Parade

Every now and then something unforeseen happens on an evangelism outing that is so inexplicable and, well, downright tragic, it’s almost impossible to write about….

I was not able to attend the yearly Long Beach Gay Pride Parade with our evangelism team due to other commitments, so a faithful team leader, Tom Nance-Ulrich, took over the demanding job.

Every year, it’s a battle. Every year intrepid Seed Sowers must venture into a community that hates fundamentalist Christians, especially the preaching kind. (Read last year’s report from the West Hollywood Gay Pride report for proof by clicking here.)

It was Sunday morning, and I was at our church’s Men’s Retreat in the mountains, far from Long Beach, Sodom-by-the-Sea. I stopped to pray for the upcoming event under the shade of a magnificent pine and afterward looked up into the brilliant sunlight filtering through the needles. How would Tom and the team fare on this day? I trusted that God would see them through.

Several hours later I could stand it no longer. I pulled out my cell and sent Tom a quick text message: “How did it go 2day?”

His response was wrenching. I had only gotten this type of answer on one previous occasion.  I was crushed. I worried for Tom. I felt his pain. Would Tom ever be the same again? Will he continue to trust God with the outcome of future adventures, no matter how disillusioning?

I took a deep breath and glanced one more time at his message. This is what it said:

All Super Heroes Go to Heaven

Spiderman, Batman, and two, count ’em two Supermen(!) were all asked about eternal things—on camera—when we visited Hollywood on Saturday. One Superman said he was a Christian yet didn’t go to church; the other couldn’t even remember the name of his church. Batman was a good person/believer and Spiderman swore and shoved my cameraman. These guys, so used to saving