On November 18th, 17 people entered the hallowed halls of USC to hand out a book written by an amazing fiction writer, Charles Darwin.
“The Origin of Species” is the work that first perpetrated the myth of evolution that is now taught as fact at schools and universities around the world.
Ray Comfort wrote a 50 page introduction explaining the Creationist’s perspective, Intelligent Design, and the Law and Gospel. Along the way he wrote a few truthful tidbits about Darwin’s misogyny, and the influence Darwinian thought had on Hitler’s Final Solution. (Click here to read the background.)
Atheists hated it.
Joey wrote (on Facebook): “They’re handing them out right outside the building I’m in as we speak… EVERYONE has one. It’s like an infection of lies and false knowledge.”
They also despised the fact that we arrived a day earlier on campus than expected. The original date to hand out nearly 170,000 of these books on 100 universities around the country was November 19. After learning of organized atheist opposition, Ray Comfort changed the date to a day earlier, November 18—and didn’t tell anyone else, except for those on the book distribution teams.
Did I mention that atheists hated it?
Neal Strobl wrote (on Facebook): “It shows you that, in a free market of ideas, religion will always fail. Thus the religious must tip the scales in their favor to even stand a chance.”
Our orders from Command Central? Distribute 2,600 books to the students—and don’t get into any fights. We obeyed.
In 2 1/2 hours we were done. All 2,600 books were gone. Wait. Make that 2,599 books. One was left in the van. They went like hotcakes free books!
The amazing thing was that there was virtually no opposition.
Bobby wrote (on Facebook): “Kirk and Ray and all these morons that are helping him in this futile cause are completely out of their minds….”
The Trojan Knights, a male Rah! Rah! group, were delighted to get a free Darwin book with a special introduction by Ray Comfort.
They even lead a cheer against UCLA—for us! Great sports, these guys. I’m sure the atheists would’ve hated it.
Brett wrote (on Facebook): “Maybe we should start some organization to pass out copies of “The Dark Side of Christianity” on campuses. some sort of counter-balance.”
Three professors were delighted to get a freebie! One was a prof of politics, the others, of education. After reading the special forward, they might actually learn a thing or two.
Ryan wrote (on Facebook): “This is borderline sociopathic.”
I even got an on-camera interview with an evolutionary biology professor who was livid that we were doing this. “I thought you guys were to be out here tomorrow,” he said before we filmed him. But, after thinking about the strategy of arriving a day earlier than the atheists expected he conceded, “That was pretty smart.”
One student asked, “Is this the book with the preface by the Nutcase?”
“Yes,” I replied.
I couldn’t lie. I’d be breaking the 9th Commandment.
Weemaryanne wrote (from my blog): “Tactical moves are for battlefields. We’re talking college campuses. You don’t educate by lying. And when you learned there was opposition, why you should have rejoiced! – teach the controversy, let the students hear both sides, remember? You people don’t even believe your own words. Nobody else should, either.”
I was interviewed in the first half hour on Ambassadors’ Alliance Radio along with many others who participated in this outreach. You can listen here.
We also started posting our success stories on the atheist opposition page. Read their comments, and our comments here.
And here’s the link on Facebook for Origin in Schools. It details all the newspaper articles and reports from this momentous day.
Of course, the atheists hate all this.
Steve Sanchez
Paul Latour