Beneath “Bam Bam” Bentley’s Bogus Bigtop

The Counterfeit Revival continues to rage in Florida as the undiscerning foolishly flock to the latest Carnal-val; this is what happens when the Biblical Gospel is not preached! Read the report from WORLD Magazine and see more ridiculous Christian comedy from Florida below.

WORLD magazine reports on the Bentley “revival” in an article entitled “Same old scam?”:

A visit to one of Bentley’s services suggests that he is learning how to turn the big crowds into big money. ATM machines have been set up, providing attendees with ready cash for the offering plate and book purchases. The offering is now a significant part of the service, taking as long as 30 minutes. Bentley has not released financial information, saying he is “too busy keeping up with what God is doing” to pull the information together.

When WORLD asked for documentation of the purported healings that have taken place during this “revival”, they were rebuffed; Bentley claimed “privacy issues” as the reasons.

A few more outrageous attrocities:

Smell Todd Bentley’s hands here!

See “Blah Blah” Bentley here!

See a man with Stage 4 cancer get a holy knee in the gut by Mr. Bentley here!

Hear Bentley’s own testimony about how his violent tactics “work.”

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  1. Paul Latour


    I stand on a stool to proclaim the truth and hundreds walk.
    He stands on a stage to proclaim the lie and thousands stop.

    But I stand encouraged:

    “For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Matt 7:13-14)

    I wonder if any are standing on a stool outside Bentley’s venues proclaiming the TRUTH and ,if so, loud and clear. I pray there would be!

  2. Daniel


    When Jesus lived, people also started to point a finger at him, cause he was “different”. They took offence at Jesus, because his appearance was not like the ordinary picture of a redeemer. God looks at the heart of men … it’s about validity not about tradition. All I want to say is to listen to Todd’s message and to look deeper … in fact he’s concerned about preparing and sending people out, to bring the gospel to the streets. It’s not about self-profit (of course he wants to sell some of his books, but isn’t every evangelist doing that?

    … and relating to the “violent tactics”: Jesus first listened to the holy spirit and then he responded. Once, he healed a blind man by commanding the devil to cease … but at another time, he prepared a slurry and put it in the eyes of a blind man. Same result, but different ways. The holy spirit IS interacting different … and uncalculable. So why do you pigeonhole him?
    Wether a man with stomach cancer is healed through a soft-spoken prayer or a punch … if it is led by the holy spirit, everything is possible. Don’t you think?

    Dont get me wrong guys, I just beg you for listening to your heart und for examining Todd’s act thoroughly. God bless you.

  3. Ryan


    Daniel , the word of God tells us not to “listen to our heart” but to test all things by the Word of God. Todd Bently tells fantastic tales and stories and adds to Scripture. He is the modern Joesph Smith- filled with false vision and a false fire

    True Prophets preach RIGHTEOUSNESS in a wicked and sinful world, the call to Holyness is greater then any need for healing.

    False teachers/Prophets like Todd, all sound sincere and ernest but their doctrine is poisen and it draws attention away from Christ and instead to themselves. And they always appeal to emotions and use mannipulative techniques rather then solid preaching from the Bible.

  4. Paul Latour


    It’s all about discernment. We, as Christians, are called to prayerfully discern what we see and hear in regard to our faith. By going to the Scriptures to compare and examine these things, we can know for sure if who and what is of God and who and what is of the devil.

    Daniel, brother, I know where you are coming from. Been there. You seem to have a sincere heart of concern and that is good. But, even we Christians can be deceived and we have to doubly mindful of that as it is the evil one who attacks our minds and hearts in order to attempt to thwart us from the truth and lead us down a path we would otherwise not choose.

    Point blank: Todd Bentley is an extremely dangerous man. His actions and his words speak volumes against what is Biblically sound and true. He blatantly does everything the Scriptures warn us about and, like the devil, he is subtle in other areas. There is enough Scriptural evidence that speak against him, and what he is doing, to sink a ship.

    Much of the evidence can even be found on various other Christian sites and You-Tube. Have a look at this link for starters:

    I will pray for you Daniel, as I pray for the truth to be revealed to the masses, that this man is of the devil and that his followers may repent, be restored and come to the truth that is in and from Christ.

  5. Daniel


    Thank you Ryan and Paul for your gentle answers!
    I think I got your idea. Maybe it would be interesting, to know more exactly, which scriptual evidences speak against him. The only thing I don’t understand so far is, why he wears all these tattoos and why god would command him to tattoo these.

    Ryan, I indeed think, that we as christians should listen to our hearts. I think the bible makes it clear, that the heart is also the place of the spirit. Aren’t there three areas? – body, soul (to think, to feel and to want) and the spirit (to whom the spirit of god speaks) … Prov 14:33 “Wisdom reposes in the heart of the discerning… ” 3:5 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (soul)” … I can only speak for myself, that when I think of listening to the heart, I don’t think of let the feelings inside of me speak … but the heart or rather the peace of god (or strife) … Sry, don’t know how do point it up any clearer 😉

    But if it is true, that Todd is a false evangelist … it’ll be hopefully revealed to me by the holy spirit. I am thursty for the truth, and if God laid upon my heart, that his actions were evil, I would forthrightly accept it. I guess anyway that I can’t value wether something is good or evil whithout the spirit (and peace) of God.

    Best regards, may Jesus bless you brothers richly. Daniel (by the way, from germany!)

  6. Ryan


    Hello Daniel

    There are many Todd Bently Videos on Youtube which have Scriptural commentary on some of the theatrics Todd uses to manipulate crowds.

    And Daniel would the Holy Spirit cause someone to Vibrate violently? What purpose does that serve? And What does the Bible say the Holy Spirit’s role is? He is our conseler , convicts the world of sin and righteousness(john 16:8) , and testifes of Jesus Christ(John 15:26).

    Todd’s Testimony rests alone his “visions” and are vacant of any Biblical authority.

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